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启动反向代理服务器。Start the reverse proxy server.

基于ID的代理盲签名方案。ID-based proxy blind signature scheme.

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启动定制节点和代理服务器。Starts the custom node and proxy server.

代理套接字的机器名。The machine name to proxy socks through.

客户程序代理就是用该文件生成的。The client proxy is generated using this file.

这仅仅是一个老式的种族主义的替身。This is just a proxy for old-fashioned racism.

通过拓展序列化的代理接口,我们自动为.NET类型产生被称为"peer"的参数。By extending the Serializable proxy interface we

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在代理服务器上执行这个装载操作。Execute this load operation on the proxy server.

每个模式都应用于代理的一个节点。Each pattern is applied to one node of the proxy.

在在线培训课程中使用代理Using the proxy in an instructor-led online class

现在是建立网关代理服务的时候了。Now itâ ™s time to setup the gateway proxy service.

在完成每个作业后,将通知代理服务。As each job completes, the proxy service is notified.

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在这个例子中,没有必要使用一个作用域内的代理。In this case, there is no need to use a scoped proxy.

中继担当代表其移动对等点的代理。A relay acts as a proxy on behalf of its mobile peers.

对此提出一种新的方案,称之为“代理OCSP方案”。A new solution is proposed, called proxy OCSP solution.

客户端与进程内的代理对象进行通信。The client communicates with an in-process proxy object.

全体股东均须到会,由本人或全权代表出席。All shareholders are to be present in person or by proxy.

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这大大简化了代理服务的实现。This greatly simplifies the proxy service implementation.

同样地,为生成的代理类选择包名。Also, select a package name for the generated proxy class.

缺省情况下,代理绑定使用Shoal作其传输。By default, the Proxy binding uses Shoal as its transport.