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你考虑民间传说的罗特韦尔犬?Do you take into account Rottweiler folklore?

民俗学的知识基础是田野作业。Fieldwork is the basic knowledge of folklore.

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这里啊,是锡伯民俗风情园。It is in fact part of the Xibe folklore park.

考古学、历史学和民俗学方面的展览品。Exhibitions of archaeology history and folklore.

赵公元帅是中国民间传说的财神,叫赵公明。Chao Kung-ming, God of Wealth in Chinese folklore.

属于民间文学的任何东西我都感兴趣。I am interested in anything pertaining to folklore.

有人说,snopes网站改变了民间传说的本质。Some say Snopes is changing the nature of folklore.

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地灵德国民间传说中在地下出没的地神。A gnome that haunts underground places in German folklore.

在有些文化中,围着着日食有许多传说和民间故事。In some cultures, legends and folklore surrounds eclipses.

她的这些短篇小说反映了黑人的民间传说和她在伊顿威尔镇的生活。Her stories were about black folklore and life in Eatonville.

这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍传了下来。Each place boasts its folklore and thereby social customs go down.

此后不久,它就跻身为以色列一支主要的民间艺术团。In a short time it became one of Israel's leading folklore groups.

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赵公元帅是中国民间传说的财神,叫赵公明。Marshal Chao is Chao Kung-ming, God of Wealth in Chinese folklore.

本文就其特殊角色进行了民俗学解读。This article makes an explanation of folklore on its special role.

其中城市民俗旅游社区的是笔者首先提出的。And writer brings the community of urban folklore tourism out first.

医药民俗是民俗学研究的重要内容之一。Medical folklore is one of important contents of the folklore study.

民俗首先营造了一个民俗场,淡化了浓重的时代背景。First, folklore make a space that can desalinate the times background.

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今天,包公的形象仍然活跃于戏曲、小说和民间传说里。Today, Bao's image is still active in the opera, in fiction and folklore.

镜子这一物件总是出现在与死亡有关的民间传说中。Mirrors have always held relevance in folklore when associated with death.

它的形成具有深远的民俗学渊源和思想基础。Its taking shape possesses profound folklore origins and ideological basis.