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这张照片拍摄于2007年在大壶节在阿拉哈巴德。This photo was taken during the 2007 Kumbh Mela in Allahabad.

印度农民在阿拉哈巴德以北25英里处的一片稻田里工作。Indian farmers work in a paddy field 25 miles north of Allahabad.

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在印度阿拉哈巴德练兵场上,警察们在训练时跳了起来。Policeman jump for part of their training at the parade grounds in Allahabad India.

1954年在安拉阿巴德举行的“昆梅拉节”中,约800人被踩死。In Allahabad in 1954 at the "Kunmei La Festival", about 800 people were trampled to death.

在印度北部的城市阿拉哈贝德,一名无家可归的印度男孩在酷热的夏季寻找水喝。A homeless Indian boy drinks water during a hot day in the northern Indian city of Allahabad June 8, 2005.

今天,数百万印度教徒在印度北部城市的印度教圣地阿拉哈巴德集会,在恒河里浸泡以洗清他们的罪过。Millions of Indian Hindus gathered at Allahabad today to wash away their sins with a dip in the Ganges River.

印度北部城市阿拉哈巴德的亚穆纳河岸上,小孩子们正在一建筑工地中的水管里玩耍。Children play in water pipes at a construction site on the banks of the Yamuna River in the northern Indian city of Allahabad.

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按照安拉阿巴德法令所分割的而成的三部分中的,也是争夺最激烈的清真寺所在地将被划分给印度教团体。Of the three portions divided Allahabad ruling, the most bitterly contested -the site of the mosque -will go to a Hindu group.

我们离开鲍尔普尔,一路上在萨希尔甘杰、迪纳普尔、阿拉哈巴德和坎普尔都有短暂的停留,最后在阿默尔特萨尔停了下来。We left Bolpur and making short halts on the way at Sahebganj, Dinapore, Allahabad and Cawnpore we stopped at last at Amritsar.

我相信,一旦所有这些细节开始的头条新闻,日本国学院安拉阿巴德会产生火花,在一个惊人的方式。And I am sure once all these details start making headlines, the reputation of IIIT Allahabad will sparkle in a startling manner.

瓦尔科特退出了选举,接下来继续角逐的,是阿拉哈巴德大学的阿文.梅赫罗特拉和查尔斯.达尔文的玄孙女露丝.帕德尔。He dropped out, leaving Arvind Mehrotra, of Allahabad University, and Ruth Padel, a great-great-granddaughter of Charles Darwin, in the race.

那麽,我想你了诚实试图收集你的排名,但我衷心认为你的事实是不正确的时候,印度安拉阿巴德。Well, I think you made an honest attempt to collect your rankings but I sincerely feel that your facts are not correct when it comes to IIIT Allahabad.

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在印度北方安拉阿巴德的商堪河,印度教信徒在一个被称为「嗄堤」的仪式中,手持圣灯祈祷。Hindu devotees pray as they hold a sacred lamp during a ritual known as Aarti on the banks of river Sangam, in the northern city of Allahabad January 8, 2008.

GNIDA的重点是和帕瓦里农民达成一项协议,因为阿拉哈巴德高等法院撤销了该村156公顷的土地收购。The GNIDA's main thrust was on striking a deal with Patwari farmers as the Allahabad High Court has quashed the land acquisition of 156 hectares of land in this village.