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白宫的讲坛强大无比。The bully pulpit is powerful.

他当初把这份报纸当做一个讲道坛。He thought of his paper as a pulpit.

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他拥有所谓的讲坛。And he has what is called the bully pulpit.

按理说,留给他的只有这座天字一号的讲坛。Arguably, all he has left is the bully pulpit.

人们期待潘就是天字第一号讲坛。Mr Ban is also expected to man the bully pulpit.

第4节提到的木台,可说是圣经唯一一个提及的讲台。Verse 4 has the only reference to a pulpit in the Bible.

请你回到天字一号讲坛上,告诉大家需要做些什么。Get back in the bully pulpit and tell us what we need to do.

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一位来自来自俄克拉荷马的患者,已经重返他的牧师讲坛。One patient, an Oklahoma pastor, has returned to the pulpit.

这是霍布斯逐渐意识到的,他的政治思想当通过教会和大学来传播。This is how he sees it, that it should be taught from the pulpit.

金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness.

圣坛,经坛,道坛等前面的装饰性帷幔,缎屏。A decorative hanging for the front of an altar, a lectern, or a pulpit.

在国内,他具有否决的权力,他控制着参议院,占据天子一号的话语权。At home, he has the veto pen, control of the Senate and the bully pulpit.

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在教堂讲坛上面的装饰华丽的雕刻品是出自于印第安人之作。The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indi-an hands.

在他看来,她现在的欢快简直就象在教堂讲坛的阴暗角落中发出的笑声。Her present gaiety sounded to him like laughter heard in the shadow of the pulpit.

左列最靠近祭台的一根柱子上设有大理石镏金讲道坛。The left pillar closest to the chancel is installed with a gold-plated marble pulpit.

他在南苏丹首都朱巴的一个罗马天主教堂的讲道坛上发表的讲话。He was speaking from the pulpit in a Roman Catholic church in the southern capital Juba.

他在全国进行巡回演讲,每一个讲坛都充满宣讲纯净食品的声音。He toured the country making speeches, every rostrum a pulpit for the gospel of pure food.

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临济从讲坛上爬下来,穿过人群来到发问者面前。Rinzai climbed down from the pulpit and passed through the crowd of monks to reach the questioner.

因为健康状况变得糟糕,房龙没有参加万灵教会的活动,只在加入教会的那个礼拜天出现在讲道坛上。In failing health, van Loon did not attend All Souls after he appeared in the pulpit the Sunday he joined.

戴维沃尔普,是洛杉矶西耐寺的犹太教祭司,被命名为美国新闻周刊的1号讲师。David Wolpe, the rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, has been named the No. 1 Pulpit Rabbi in America by Newsweek.