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帆布背包中的东西塞到爆?Rucksack packed to bursting point?

她背着一个帆布背包。She was carrying a rucksack on her back.

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某一天在路上,他们捡到了一只帆布背包。Some day is on the road, they collected a rucksack.

他单肩挎着一个绿色的帆布小背包。He had a small green rucksack slung over one shoulder.

他摘下自己的帆布包,把样品放进包里。He took off his rucksack and placed the sample inside.

她背起帆布背包就上路了。She shouldered her rucksack and set off along the road.

在他们看来,肩背帆布包、留长发的人都是嬉皮士。In their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy.

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今天刚下课往外走的时候,我觉得有谁在背后拽我的书包。Today, as I left class I felt a tug on my rucksack from behind.

所以当他再次打开运货车的后面时我让步了,我把背包扔了进去。So when he opened the back of the van again, I relented, throwing my rucksack inside.

递过水瓶,旅行包仍背在背后。他们几乎昏昏欲睡。They lay down, their rucksack still on their backs, passing the water bottle, almost dozing.

只要今晚还有一个乞丐没有吃的,他就不能在背包里囤积食物。As long as there was a beggar without food tonight, how could he store up food in his rucksack?

马普安把精力集中在迈出的每一步上,他的脚、踝和膝盖都在发颤,肩膀在25公斤的背包下发抖,尼龙背带在锁骨上磨出了红红的印,就像烙上的一样。Shoulders shudder under the 25-kilo weight of the rucksack. The nylon straps burn red lines across his collarbone.

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你在这座繁华的城市里踌躇满志,但很显然,你的才华比钞票多,你的梦想比背囊鼓。In this bustling cities you smug , but it is clear that your talents more than money, your dreams than rucksack drum.

是走这条路线还是走那条路线,她忙得不可开交,打好包后,又把我为她找到的挎包和帆布背包装上东西。She went this way and that over what to take, and packed and repacked the saddlebag and rucksack I had got hold of for her.

哈利拖着背包,奋力骑上摩托车的座位,发现自己与海格背靠着背。Harry pulled his rucksack with him as he dragged himself onto the motorbike's seat and found himself back-to-back with Hagrid.

昨日调查已证实这个女孩就是当年最被看到背着帆布包穿着红色滑雪上衣的Natascha,现在她已经18岁了。Yesterday detectives confirmed that the girl last seen carrying a rucksack and wearing a red ski jacket was Natascha, now aged 18.

哈利把背包和扫帚塞在脚边,又把海德薇的笼子夹在膝间,真是太不舒服了。Harry stuffed his rucksack and broomstick down by his feet and rammed Hedwig's cage between his knees. It was extremely uncomfortable.

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母亲在火车站台上向我送别,她摸着我的帆布背包却说不出话来。Mama took my farewell at Shaoyang train station. At the platform of train station, Mama palpated my rucksack and did not say anything.

他肩上扛的袋子里没有道德顾虑,战术思考,或者责任之类东西的容身之地。The only baggage he carries is stuffed into a rucksack with no room left for moral scruples, tactical considerations or accountability.

我拖着脱臼了的左肩,背着15公斤的背包在丛林里跑了四公里之后,耽误了一个小时,用来把左肩复位。I lost an hour getting my shoulder put back after walking for 4km in the jungle with the dislocated shoulder and 15kg rucksack on my back.