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在过去,融合有时候就发生在冲突之前。In the past integration has sometimes gone before conflagration.

炎魔拉格纳罗斯统治着火、热以及火灾。Ragnaros the Firelord is ruler over flame, heat and conflagration.

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灰色的大墙后面仍有人性的火花,只是永远也不会燃成大火了。Behind the gray walls there are human sparks , and yet never a conflagration.

他强调指出,这种举措将缓解疾病带来的重大天灾风险。This, he noted, would temper the risk of an apocalyptic conflagration of diseases.

在一幢多层大厦内发生的大火中,很多人被活活烧死。Many people were burnt alive in the conflagration that happened in a multi-storeyed building.

凯瑟琳叫着,吮着她那受伤的嘴唇,用愤怒的眼睛瞅着这场火灾。cried Catherine, sucking her damaged lip, and watching the conflagration with indignant eyes.

同样的,干燥期的火灾会释放出营养物质,在雨水降临之时激发绿色植物的生长。Likewise, dry-season fires release nutrients, sparking a conflagration of green when rains return.

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最后,在按计划行事的同时,詹姆斯的救火队员也在大火的北面清理出了一大片防火带。Working to a plan at last, James' firefighters had also created a large firebreak to the north of the conflagration.

终于,由相拥、静卧于世界边缘的天与海擦出的火苗所引发的熊熊烈焰,熄灭了。At last the conflagration of sea and sky, lying embraced and still in a flaming contact upon the edge of the world, went out.

农地“规模经营”终究是希望田野上的“星星之火”,它不可能形成“燎原”之势。Agricultural Mass Production is only the Little Spark on the hopeful field after all, and is impossible to cause conflagration.

但研究所潘教授在大火中不幸辞世,潘教授的手写笔记在大火中消失。But institute Pan teachs world of sad in conflagration decline, the handwritten note that Pan Jiao gives disappears in conflagration.

最后,一场大火成全了忠良和素芬,两人连夜乘船来到上海。Finally, a conflagration helped sb to fulfill his wishes faithful fine He Sufen, two people the same night comes to Shanghai by ship.

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近年来我国一些大型商场多次发生群死群伤的重特大火灾事故。In recent years, Serious conflagration accidents involving significant loss of life often occur in large marketplaces in our country.

提出一种基于多传感器信息融合技术的智能型火灾报警测控仪的设计方案。A design project of a new type of intelligent conflagration alarm instrument based on multi-sensors data fusion technology is proposed.

想象一下全世界军械库内的核弹在瞬间同时爆炸,爆炸的威力随后立即放大了一百万倍或者更甚。Imagine every nuclear bomb in all the world's arsenals detonating instantly, and then multiply this conflagration by a million or more.

我们应当善于运用在某些时刻劈啪爆裂抖颤的主义和美德的熊熊烈火。Let us learn how to make use of that vast conflagration of principles and virtues, which sparkles, bursts forth and quivers at certain hours.

烈火呼啸着发起狂来,炙热的风从地狱般的火海里刮出来,似乎要把这座华厦刮个灰飞烟灭。In the roaring and raging of the conflagration a red-hot wind driving straight from the infernal regions seemed to be blowing the edifice away.

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赫拉克利特在大量地思考了宇宙的火之后,最后死于水肿病,死时污泥弄脏了全身。Heraclitus, after so many speculations on the conflagration of the universe, was filled with water internally and died smeared all over with mud.

这使得亚洲能在这两次危机的背景下构建这种变迁,这两次危机分别是泛亚洲区域1997-1998的经济危机和2008-2009年全球的经济危机。It helps to frame that transition in the context of two crises -- its own pan-regional conflagration of 1997-1998 and the global crisis of 2008-2009.

要对这次战斗有个概念,我们可以想象在一堆可怕的勇士身上点起火来,再来观看这场火灾。In order to form an idea of this struggle, it is necessary to imagine fire set to a throng of terrible courages, and then to gaze at the conflagration.