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爱是一个永恒的主题。Love is an eternal mythos.

希腊人称它们为神话和逻各斯。The Greeks called them mythos and logos.

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这就是最后五人怎么成为本剧的关键情节的。And that's how the Final Five became part of the mythos.

这是他们的主题。现在游戏开始了。This is their mythos , and now the game was set forth into action.

开发商同时还公布了游戏的系统资源要求。With the news, the developer also unveiled Mythos 's system requirement.

香港,一个年轻的城市,一个充满奇迹和神话的城市,一个令人无比激动的城市。Hongkong is a young and extremely exciting city which full of miracle and mythos.

该坊造型美观大方、文饰图案精雕细刻,体现出坊主一片善心的主题格调。Beautiful appearance and fine carving represented the mythos of the master's kindness.

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中文摘要本论文主要讨论「死而复生」神话中,所表现的内在精神,与象徵。This paper is to discuss the intrinsic spirit and symbolic of death-rebirth in mythos.

关于探索圣杯的问题上,一个主题与基督教式的亚瑟王故事相关。A theme joined to the Christianised Arthurian mythos relates to the quest for the Holy Grail.

随着现代科学技术的发展,创新成为时代的主题。Innovation has become the age's mythos with the development of modern science and technology.

柏拉图对话中的神话与希腊传统神话既有联系,又有区别。There're some connections of and differences between Plato's mythos and the ancient Greek mythology.

早期的神话基本都是传说,在希腊语中,“神话”一词主要指的是剧情或情节。The early myths were essentially tales and the Greek word mythos implies that story line or plot was dominant.

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托尔金运用了他丰富的神话知识来重造基督教神话以此让那些非教徒可以理解。Tolkien tapped into his vast wealth of knowledge concerning mythologies to recast the Christian Mythos in terms non-believers can understand.

虽然弗雷泽塔的唱片专辑封面艺术经常描绘中世纪野蛮神话,也许他更知名是因为他所画的女人形象。While Frazetta’s record album art often explored the mythos of the medieval barbarian, he is perhaps better known for his portrayal of women.

我喜欢“神话”,也喜欢有关黄金的事,可我并不为此着迷,也看不出我们为什么要造花盆,即使是金子的花盆。I like "mythos" and I like the idea of gold, but I am not obsessed by the subject and I don't see why we should make flowerpots, even of gold.

不同于第二人生或者是Lively,它是为了使想体验在黑客帝国三部曲中创造的幻想的主题中的生活的玩者可以实现心愿。Unlike Second Life and Lively, it is for players who want to live out their fantasy of inhabiting the mythos created in the Matrix trilogy of movies.

为了开启文化间哲学的可能性,作者引入了神话的功能,并以此与逻各斯的功能互补。In order to open the possibility of intercultural philosophy , the author introduces the function of mythos , which complements the function of logos.

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小说的真正特点在于通过对作为一种“性的宗教”的爱情神话的生动描写,表现了对自由生命的信仰。The intrinsic feature of his novel is to represent the faith of free life, through the vivid depiction of love mythos which demonstrate the "sex religion".

抚州青蛙信仰的祭祀主题始为驱疫逐祟,后演绎为科举崇拜,在中国南方青蛙信仰民俗中较独特。The sacrificial mythos of frog-faith of Fuzhou began with exorcizing ghosts that bring diseases and then deduced to worship the imperial examination system.

超人神话将于近日再次席卷各大影院,新片中,主演亨利•卡维尔身穿红蓝相间的紧身衣演绎新超人,新故事则由曾一手打造蝙蝠侠三部曲的克里斯托弗•诺兰和大卫•S•高耶联手创作。The latest cinematic project of the Superman mythos features Henry Cavill in the red-and-blue tights, plus a story by the Batman trilogy's Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer.