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对了,怎么不见弘晖过来?To, how evaporate Hong Hui to come over?

原来满脑子的恐惧似乎一下子都蒸发了。A lot of my fear just seemed to evaporate.

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热门能导致油飘落在他们上面而蒸发。Hot spot can cause the oil falling on them to evaporate.

就这样,我失去了康雨明,他好像蒸发了。In this way, I lost Kang Yuming, he seemed to evaporate.

用温缓的热气流将光片上测试液蒸发。Evaporate the test fluid with a gentle stream of dry air.

加注普通丁烷气体,无臭无味,不会弄脏机身,气体也不会蒸发。Butane Refillable, No Odor, No Mess, and it won't evaporate.

你能不能让那个场景也溶解挥发掉呢?Can you allow that picture of your mind to evaporate and dissolve?

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你能让那个画面也溶解挥发掉吗?And could you allow that picture of your body to evaporate and dissolve?

如果你熟知演讲主题,那些所谓的恐惧就会迅速消失。If you know your topic, you're pre-speaking fear will quickly evaporate.

2003年,又有人说对撞产生的任何黑洞都会立刻云消雾散。In 2003, it said that any black holes created would instantly evaporate.

要是烧水的时间足够长,那么水就会完全从壶里蒸发掉。If you boil water long enough, it will completely evaporate from the pot.

星空下,三个大影子,一忽就消失在夜空中。Under star sky, three big shadows, a suddenly evaporate in the night sky.

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然而,在一个民主的叙利亚里,这些联盟将很快分崩离析。These allegiances, however, would quickly evaporate in a democratic Syria.

比如说室内无风,就不能有效蒸发汗水。With no wind indoors, for example, sweat will not evaporate as effectively.

阴暗处的恶臭的积水,像是永远也不会蒸发。The stench of the old rain water in the shade the never seemed to evaporate.

但这些化学物质可能会从PVC中挥发或滤出,从而对儿童构成危险。These chemicals can evaporate or leach out of PVC, posing risks to children.

快7个月的宝宝能吃梨跟冰糖蒸水吃吗?。Fast can the darling of 7 months eat pear with water of rock candy evaporate?

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当有风或阳光蒸发水时潮湿的人行道很快就干了。Wet pavements soon dry when there is wind or sunshine to evaporate the water.

看着她走远,我顿感夜色的迷人开始消散。Watching her walk away, I felt the enchantment of the night begin to evaporate.

当利兹接收到这个愉悦的消息时,我能感觉到她的紧张情绪蒸发了。I could feel the tension in Liz’s body evaporate as she took in the wonderful news.