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他无意交谈。He was disinclined for conversation.

美国人向来拒绝消极悲观。America is disinclined to wallow in pessimism.

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她的背景使她无意抵抗。Her background disinclined her from resistance.

他的粗鲁使我不愿意答应他的请求。His rareness disinclined me to grant his request.

她纤弱的体质使得她不欲担任如此艰钜的工作。Her delicate constitution disinclined her from such an arduous job.

但是佩尼先生不愿意再把注意力集中在这些大人物的专题作品展示上。But Mr Penny is disinclined to go on concentrating on big-name monographic shows.

结果我们不愿确立目标,那会花费很长的时间才能达到。Consequently, we’re disinclined to set goals that will take a very long time to achieve.

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安西尔补充说,如果公司运行鲜为人知的软件也会不愿转换。Ansel added that companies running obscure software will also feel disinclined to switch.

对胡来说幸运的是,布什不同于国会的一些议员,他不愿采取强硬政策。Fortunately for him, Mr Bush, unlike some members of Congress, appears disinclined to take up cudgels.

但是那些自己球队被红杉队打得落花流水的教练们可不愿思考这些哲学。But the coaches on the other side of Redwood City’s lopsided scores were disinclined to be so philosophical.

但是正因为医士显然不愿意让他走进病房,罗斯托夫硬要走进士兵的病房。But just because the assistant was obviously disinclined to let him go in, Rostov went into the soldiers' ward.

希刺克厉夫先生,变得越来越不喜欢跟人来往,已经差不多把恩萧从他的房间里赶出来了。Mr Heathcliff, who grew more and more disinclined to society, had almost banished Earnshaw out of his apartment.

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自从他变成了一个难缠的对手,不久其他的董事便不再与他展开争斗。Since it could be a formidable task, after a while the other directors were disinclined to pick a fight with him.

更可恶的是连黑斑小不点儿也被教唆出洞,就连那斑点狗来了也懒得瞧你一眼。More abhorrent is to connect shading very small also by abet unkennel, came to even that stain dog also be disinclined look you are one.

也有调查显示,不少“富二代”并不愿接手家族生意,而选择自己创业。”"Surveys indicate numerous are disinclined to take over, moncler, preferring to start their own companies, " something Newman advocates.

他需要女性伴侣的安慰,但他不愿意因此而牺牲个人自由的那种倾向却一天强似一天。He wanted the comfort of feminine companionship, but he was more and more disinclined to give up his personal liberty in order to obtain it.

再如何不甘愿,哭着喊着叫嚷恋爱自由,那也总要有值得联姻的资本才行。Again how disinclined wish, cry to hurrah to hurrah to be in love a liberty, that has to have as well worth matrimony of the capital just work.

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华盛顿深陷阿富汗战争,无法脱身,虽然美国在吉尔吉斯斯坦玛纳斯有个重要的军事基地,但美国并不愿惹火烧身。Washington is obsessed with Afghanistan, and though the Americans have a major base in Kyrgyzstan at Manas, they seem disinclined to do very much.

他认为,老头是想现身时就现身,不想和新邻居甚至哼哈打一声招呼时就不现身。He reasoned the old man made himself visible when he wanted to and didn’t when he was disinclined to give his new neighbor even a grunt of a greeting.

克拉克曾经三次在万圣节后采访家长和孩子,年纪较小的孩子们可能不愿意参加这样的活动。According to Clark, who interviewed parents and children afterward 3 Halloweens, junior children may be disinclined participants in the entire ceremony.