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债市"根本忧虑"犹在,Hurley称,"通膨的问题还未消失,下周市场还要应付供应的问题."The bond market's "underlying concerns" remain, Hurley said.

此前,休格兰特最著名的恋情就是和女星伊丽莎白赫利的爱情马拉松,俩人在一起13年,却在2000年分道扬镳。Grant's best known relationship was with actress Elizabeth Hurley.

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这件公案,也和帝国主义者赫尔利有关系。The imperialist Patrick J. Hurley has had something to do with this business.

赫利和陈也都因为谷歌不太喜欢他们的帮派作风而放弃了谷歌。Hurley and Chen bowed out after their Google handler objected to the gangster motif.

贝尔与42岁的伊拉莎白·赫利、66岁的拉奎尔·韦尔奇并列第九。Biel shares ninth place with 42-year-old Elizabeth Hurley and 66-year-old Raquel Welch.

据儿童营养学专家、注册营养师科琳。赫利表示,关于婴儿奶瓶安全的激烈争论仍在持续。By Colleen Hurley , RD, Certified Kids Nutrition Specialist The baby bottle safety debate rages on.

谷歌在2008年派了它的一个老员工,萨拉尔·卡曼加去帮助赫利经营YouTube。Google dispatched one of its longtime employees, Salar Kamangar, to help Hurley steer YouTube in 2008.

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沙滩防晒装是利兹-赫利的专利,她会把它设计出来然后在闲谈报一份8月号的内页上介绍给我们。Beach coverups are for Liz Hurley to design and then tell us about on the pages of an August issue of Tatler.

这些究竟是诡异的巧合还是厄运的诅咒?Are these spooky coincidences or is Brown cursed by some sort of cosmic jinx, like Hurley in Lost or the cast of the Superman films?

Hurley表示,欧元受益于持续的空头回补买盘,数周前欧元空头头寸触及纪录高位.Hurley said the euro benefited from continued short-covering after bearish bets on the single currency hit record highs a few weeks ago.

止于首次公开募股,赫尔利说,“如果将来我们有机会走向公众,这对我们而言将是非常振奋人心的事。”As for an initial public offering, Hurley said, “If we have an opportunity to go public in the future that would be very exciting for us.

资深自由派大法官史蒂文斯年初已经从高院退休,赫利觉得布雷耶没准会扛下自由派这面大旗,担任“反对派的领军人物”。With the senior “liberal” justice, John Paul Stevens, retired, Hurley asks whether Breyer will take over as the lead “dissenter in chief.

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格兰特之前有过多段高调的感情,包括伊丽莎白·赫利,2007年分手的社交名媛杰米玛·柯寒。Grant has had several high-profile previous relationships, including with Elizabeth Hurley and socialite Jemima Khan, from whom he split in 2007.

麦克·泰柏已经在贺立科技公司服务一年了,他刚开始是负责专门技术的写作工作,帮忙起草贺立公司的产品使用手册。Mike Talbot has been working at Hurley Technologies for a year. He started as a technical writer, helping draft instruction manuals for Hurley products.

赫尔利曾为美国连锁快餐厅“猫头鹰”打工,这家餐厅以性感美艳、着装暴露的女招待为服务特色。Hurley for U. S. fast-food restaurant chain, "owl" to work, this sexy, glamorous restaurant, waitresses dress as the service characteristics of exposure.

戴恩雷诺兹创业海滩,加利福尼亚州,苍蝇在他的第3轮在临冲浪赫尔利在圣克莱门特,加利福尼亚州的竞争热过一浪。Dane Reynolds, of Venture Beach, California, flies over a wave during his round 3 heat in the The Hurley Pro surfing competition in San Clemente, California.

乔尔在鼻子都铎骑骑马的帕奇菲科鼻邀请赛半决赛在美国公开赛赫尔利8月7日,2010年在亨廷顿海滩,加州冲浪决赛。Joel Tudor rides the nose in the Pacifico Nose Riding Invitational semi final during the Hurley US Open of Surfing on August 7, 2010 in Huntington Beach, California.

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可琳赫莉·路证实儿童营养家准备抚养婴儿要做很多规划,而且财务规划是一个主要组成部分。By Colleen Hurley , RD, Certified Kids Nutrition Specialist Preparing to have a baby takes a lot of planning, and financial planning is becoming a major component of baby prep.

他到YouTube的圣布鲁诺总部那时起,卡曼加一直掌管着YouTube的日常营运,而赫利则致力于使不断增长的YouTube游客开心。Since his arrival at YouTube's San Bruno headquarters, Kamangar had been running the day-to-day operations while Hurley concentrated on keeping the site's steadily growing audience happy.