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异构存储阵列。Heterogeneous storage arrays.

现在假设我们有不均匀的混合物。Now, suppose that I have a heterogeneous mixture.

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要知道系统是均匀的还是非均匀的。You need toknow it's heterogeneous or homogeneous.

多孔板相当于均匀介质。Perforated plates correspond to heterogeneous media.

同构拓扑和异构拓扑可以混合使用。Homogeneous and Heterogeneous topologies can be mixed.

是与茉莉不同属的异种植物。It is not as congeneric as jasmine heterogeneous plant.

由两相或更多的相组成的体系称为复相体系。A system composed of two or more phases is heterogeneous.

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在异构批处理模式下运行应用程序Run the application with pureQuery heterogeneous batching

结论云南省G6PD基因具有明显异质性。Conclusions The G6PD gene in Yunnan people is heterogeneous.

何为异构批处理且它如何有助于性能提升?What is heterogeneous batching and how can it help performance?

所以我们的国民具有难以置信的多样性。So we are the most -- we are an incredibly heterogeneous nation.

我是非均匀系统,有软的物质,硬的物质,液体物质等。I'm the heterogeneous system, soft stuff, hard stuff, liquid stuff.

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跨异构数据源的高级数据和查询联合。Advanced data and query federation across heterogeneous data sources.

他认为该式不能应用到非均质流型。He believes that this equation cannot be applied to heterogeneous flow.

这种蚁巢叫做混合性蚁巢,实为异种共栖。This nest is called the mixed nests is indeed heterogeneous commensalism.

表现为肾脏体积巨大不均质回声肿物。On ultrasound, Wilms' appears as a large, heterogeneous mass of the kidney.

物理扩散为该多相反应的控制步骤。Physical process is the rate-determining step of the heterogeneous reaction.

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相比较其他当代艺术家而言,李川的叙述是异质的。Compare to other contemporary artists, Li Chuan's narration is heterogeneous.

开发出一种新型高效氧化铅一氧化锌催化剂。A new heterogeneous catalyst, i. e. lead-zinc double oxide has been developed.

汤显祖的思想相当驳杂,“道学”是最值得重视的因素。Among the heterogeneous thoughts of TANG Xianzu, Tao most deserved recognition.