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吉娃娃怎么可能会要了罗特韦尔的命?How could a Chihuahua kill a Rottweiler?

又一个人带着一只吉娃娃狗走进酒吧。Another guy walks in the bar with a Chihuahua.

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吉布森是年夜丹狗,而布布则是吉娃娃狗。Gibson is a Great Dane and Boo Boo is a Chihuahua dog.

这可爱的奇瓦瓦我刚才提到了害怕。And that cute chihuahua I mentioned earlier got scared.

去年,一只名为“尤达”的中国冠毛犬和吉娃娃的混血狗摘得冠军。Yoda, a Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix, won last year.

克洛伊是比佛利山的一只吉娃娃狗,被宠坏了的它生活极其奢侈。Chloe is one of Beverly Hills Chihuahua dog, it spoiled the very life of luxury.

牵吉娃娃的说,“你不知道,这是我的导盲犬。The guy with the Chihuahua says, "You don't understand. This is my seeing-eye dog."

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美国加州一只体重仅一公斤多的混种吉娃娃,协助警方逮捕罪犯。Chihuahua mix that weighs just over 1kg helped police catch a criminal in California, US.

收养孩子的申请遭到拒绝后,有报道称她用奶瓶喂养自己的吉娃娃。Refused permission to adopt a child, she reportedly fed her chihuahua from a baby's bottle.

时代广场狗狗化妆日,一只扮成“皮条客文尼”的吉娃娃吸引了人群的目光。Chihuahua dressed as "Vinny the Pimp" seduces the crowd at the Times Square Dog Day Masquerade.

这只吉娃娃身穿盛装,准备参加在俄罗斯莫斯科城举行的第一届宠物时装周。This Chihuahua got appropriately gussied for the first-ever Pet Fashion Week in Moscow, Russia.

位于吉娃娃州的胡亚雷斯市是一个最典型的例子,吉娃娃州位于与德克萨斯州交界的边境。Ciudad Juárez, in Chihuahua state and on the border with Texas, is the most striking example of this.

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日本一所宠物店的长毛吉娃娃“贡心”身上天生就有一块可爱的心形图案。Long-haired chihuahua Heart-Kun from a Pet store in Japan was born with the lovable pattern in his fur.

比较大戴恩的艰巨,或柔软灰狗到poofy波美拉尼亚娇小的奇瓦瓦州。Compare the petite Chihuahua with the daunting Great Dane, or the lithe greyhound to the poofy Pomeranian.

中国冠毛犬似乎是每年的常胜将军。去年,一只名为“尤达”的中国冠毛犬和吉娃娃的混血狗摘得冠军。Chinese crested appear to be favorites to win every year. Yoda, a Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix, won last year.

杜兰戈州和另外两个墨西哥北部边境州锡那罗亚州和奇瓦瓦州被称作“金三角”。Durango State and the other two northern Mexico state of Sinaloa border, and Chihuahua is called "Golden Triangle."

一只公的吉娃娃要与一只母的英国獒犬成事的唯一可能,还需要攀岩或洞穴探险设备的辅助才行。But face it, the only shot a male Chihuahua has with a female Mastiff involves rock climbing or spelunking equipment.

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绿眼睛的迪克西杯,奇瓦瓦品种,获取其业主汽车进入酒店之前2月11日宾夕法尼亚检查。Green Eyed Dixie Cup, a Chihuahua breed, gets out of its owners car before checking into the Hotel Pennsylvania on Feb. 11.

鲁比·蕾耶丝展示了她的恶魔狗小星星。有了这身装备,这只母吉娃娃感觉比平时更加淘气了。Ruby Reyes shows off her devil dog, Estrellita. The female Chihuahua is feeling naughtier than usual, judging by the outfit.

在她短暂的职业生涯,她收到了死亡威胁,而许多报道在奇瓦瓦州同警察被打死或逃走。In her short-lived career she received reported death threats while many fellow police officers in Chihuahua were killed or fled.