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一个多实例代理的受控切换Controlled switchover of a multi-instance broker

常规模式与满屏模式下进行切换。Common mode and full screen mode switchover freely.

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测量传感器切换的问题是经纬仪控制系统研制中的关键间题。The switchover of survey sensors in the control system of theodolite is very important.

能使用微计算机实现K结构电路拉辑功能切换等等。Microcomputer can be used to implement the switchover functions of k-type logic circuit.

设置了一个故障转移连接,用于将更新的应用程序自动从主站点切换到备用站点。A fail-over connection is set up for automatic switchover of updating apps from primary to standby.

万一正在使用的控制器离线,无线电系统则可自动启用备用控制器。The radio system supports automatic switchover to the stand-by controller if the active one goes off-line.

全球互联网寻址系统同时处理大量交换总之是不可能的。Yet a massive instantaneous global switchover of the Internet’s entire addressing system is, in short, unlikely.

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本文解释的切换过程适合这个场景,已经在实验室环境中测试过了。The switchover process explained in this article works fine in this scenario and has been tested under lab conditions.

现在是政府该介入的时候了,绿党说,因为数字电视的更替就摆在眼前。The time is ideal for the government to step in, said the party, because of the impending digital television switchover.

VA7100磁盘阵列技术的应用,为过程计算机系统的快速、安全切换提供了保障。The use of the VA7100 technology will ensure that the process computer system's switchover can be done quickly and safely.

将转接件分别焊接在埋件上及工字钢上,然后将立柱用螺栓与转接件连接起来。Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces.

互联网32位的IPv4地址已将近消耗殆尽,意味着一次到IPv6的重大切换已迫在眉睫。The Internet has nearly run dry of 32-bit IPv4 addresses, meaning the time for a major switchover to IPv6 is close at hand.

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向新技术的转变不光是谈判能解决的问题,还牵涉到工程技术、计划、金融、和经济利益。The switchover to new technologies is not mainly a matter of negotiation but of engineering, planning, financing, and incentives.

这种向社交媒体的转换大大超越了新媒体受欢迎程度的调研结果——它影响了整个广告行业。This switchover to social media does more than demonstrate the popularity of new media—it affects the whole advertising industry.

在失水事故长期冷却过程中,必须确定安全注射系统从冷段注射切换到冷热段同时注射的切换时间。It is necessary to determine switchover time to simultaneous cold and hot leg safety injection during LOCA long-term core cooling.

然而,就算美国国会在这周就准备大动干戈,如果你明天再更换家里的灯泡也是没有关系的。However, you would be forgiven for thinking the big switchover was due tomorrow, given the shenanigans going on in Congress this past week.

该公司表示,预计第四季业务将较上年温和成长,因转用新广告系统会有"暂时的负面影响".The company said it expects moderate year-over-year growth in the fourth quarter due to the "temporary negative impact" from the switchover.

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恰当的呼叫路由大大减少了呼叫转接,提高了客户的满意度,实现“一次解决”问题的目标。The proper call routing greatly reduces call switchover , is more satisfactory to the customer, and has achieved the goal of "one-time solution".

2月26日我们实现了新的主数据库的切换,在一轮基本的测试完成之后,我们感到所有的事情似乎都比较正常。We performed the switchover to the new master database on February 26th, and things seemed to be working normally after a basic round of testing.

并且可以将多条凸轮曲线存储在单片机的外接存储器中,方便的实现不同加工曲线的切换。Also, it can make many Cam curves stored in external memorizer of the MCU which make the switchover between different processing curves very convenient.