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这可能是因为柏金逊病或有关疾病。They may be due to Parkinson's Disease or related Parkinsonism.

探讨提高帕金森病运动障碍的有效办法。To study effective method for disordered sports of parkinsonism.

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此外,运动还可促进帕金森病的行为恢复。Forthermore, exercise could enhance behavioral resume of parkinsonism.

目的探讨帕金森综合征的发病原因及头颅MRI的改变。Objective To explore the cause of Parkinsonism and the changes of MRI.

应用神经抑制药物后发生帕金森综合征的风险有多大?What is the risk of developing parkinsonism following neuroleptic use?

帕金森综合症是多种运动障碍的总称。Parkinsonism is the general term that describes a number of movement disorders.

随影像学发展和尸解病例增多,血管性帕金森综合征已渐为人们所认识。Vascular parkinsonism is generally well known with development of imaging and necropsy.

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结果在所有帕金森综合征中,以血管性帕金森综合征最多见,占80%。Results Out of all the patients with Parkinsonism , 80 percent is vascular Parkinsonism.

应用神经抑制药物后发生帕金森综合征的风险有多大?。What is the risk of developing parkinsonism following neuroleptic use? Noyes K. Holloway R. G.

结论预防脑血管病是减少血管性帕金森综合征的一个重要方面。Conclusion may take important role in reducing vascular parkinsonism of preventing cerebral vascular diseases.

如果一个有帕金森样症状的患者出现急性恶化,一定要想到PHS。PHS should always be considered in a patient with parkinsonism who presents with an acute deterioration in symptoms.

母亲早在5年前因老年痴呆症去世,失去双亲的我,即使已过中年,心里仍像孩童一样茫然无助。Mother died for Parkinsonism 5 years ago. Even I was in my middle age, without parents I still felt helpless like a child.

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国外文献报道,在欧美人群中,这种呈帕金森氏综合症的对多巴胺治疗敏感的SCA2家系很少。It is reported that the case of SCA2 with Parkinsonism pedigree which is sensitive to the Levo-dopa treatment is very rare,.

因副甲状腺高能症及其它代谢性障碍导致的高血钙症可引起神经系统的症状,其中包括痴呆及巴金森氏症。Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism or other metabolic disorders is recognized as a cause of neurological disturbances, including dementia and parkinsonism.

分析人体组织内痕量的儿茶酚胺类物质可以诊断许多疾病,如巴金森氏病等。The changes in concentrations of monoamine transmitters and their metabolites are related to many diseases of human and animals, such as hypertension, Parkinsonism.

已证实,苍白球神经元放电频率的降低及簇状放电的产生与帕金森病运动减少及静山险震颤等症状直接相关。It has been demonstrated that the abnormal hypoactivity and synchronized rhythmic discharge of globus pallidus neurons associate with akinesia and resting tremor in parkinsonism.