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北约秘书长夏侯雅伯宣布了这一决定。NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer announced the decision.

雅普。斯塔姆移到了右后卫的位置,塞尔吉尼奥司职左路。Jaap Stam moved over to right-back and Serginho was employed on the left.

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在阿姆斯特丹的市中心有座庙的感觉真好。I went to a Buddist temple in Amsterdam city center this morning, with Daisy and Jaap.

由于肌肉损伤而无法确定出场的斯塔姆,将可能为马尔蒂尼让出右路。Jaap Stam , who is doubtful with a muscle injury, may make way for Maldini on the right.

斯坦姆和塞尔吉内奥在今晚发挥了重要作用。"We played brilliantly, Jaap Stam and Serginho were particularly effective tonight, " he continued.

米兰后卫斯塔姆由于受伤,看起来已经踢了他为俱乐部的最后一场比赛。Milan defender Jaap Stam is likely to have played his last match for the club after suffering injury.

奥巴马是在同北约秘书长夏侯雅伯在白宫对话后做出讲话的。The president spoke after talks at the White House with NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.

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格鲁吉亚人的搭档是雅普。斯塔姆,达里奥。西米奇和塞尔吉尼奥司职边卫。The Georgian was partnered by Jaap Stam while Dario Simic and Serginho occupied the full-back positions.

雅普·斯塔姆也有意今夏转会阿贾克斯,因此红黑军团将不顾一切扩充实力。Jaap Stam is also set to join Ajax this summer so the Rossoneri are desperate to draft in reinforcements.

斯塔姆下个赛季会来到米兰,这位强壮的后卫的加盟会更加巩固米兰的后防线。Jaap Stam will also be with the team next season and the tough defender will add further quality to the side.

斯塔姆和皮尔洛都及时伤愈复出,主教练安切洛蒂得以让他们两人上场。Coach Carlo Ancelotti was able to call upon Jaap Stam and Andrea Pirlo who both overcame their injury problems.

在这个积极的下午,比赛中唯一的遗憾就是雅普。斯塔姆在比赛的最后时刻累积两张黄牌被罚出场。The only black mark on an otherwise positive afternoon came when Jaap Stam was sent-off for a second yellow card.

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很多对手曾经试图击败雅布,但是库兰伊、拉尔森、易卜拉欣莫维奇、科勒在他防守下都几乎彭不到什么球。Many of the opponents tried to overcome Jaap , but Kuranyi, Larsson, Ibrahimovic, Koller have not seen much of the ball.

虽然斯塔姆没有上场,但在队友的协助下,还是克制住了国米最令人畏惧的前锋。With the help of his team-mates, the threat of the most-feared Inter striker was overcome, despite the absence of Jaap Stam.

克雷斯波、迪达、卡卡、斯塔姆、内斯塔和因扎吉都在圣诞休假后回到了球队当中。Hernan Crespo, Nelson Dida, Kaka, Jaap Stam, Alessandro Nesta and Pippo Inzaghi returned to the group after the Christmas break.

米兰正在寻找新的拦截者,因为马科斯·卡福、雅普·斯塔姆、比利·科斯塔库塔和保罗·马尔蒂尼都已年过30了。Milan are looking for new stoppers as Marcos Cafu, Jaap Stam, Billy Costacurta and Paolo Maldini are all on the wrong side of 30.

北约秘书长向来由欧洲人担任,现任秘书长夏侯雅伯将于7月离任。The job has always gone to a European. The current secretary-general, Dutchman Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, is due to step down in July.

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北约组织秘书长夏侯雅伯在会议开始的时候,要求这次高峰会议的与会者肃静,向在战斗中丧生的北约组织军人致意。NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer called the summit to order, with a tribute to alliance troops killed in the line of duty.

对夏侯雅伯来说,4月3-4日的会议将是最后一次北约峰会,他的秘书长任期将于七月份结束。The gathering on April 3 and 4 will be the last NATO summit for Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. His term as secretary-general runs out in July.

秘书长夏侯雅伯说,欧洲国家应该“分担重担”美联社报道。Secretary-general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said European countries should "share the heavy lifting, " Associated Press news agency reported.