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西冬风,威严力6级。Wind Northeast force Beaufort 6.

不过一想到博福特,他又变得心烦意乱。But the idea of Beaufort gnawed him.

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鲍富特象平时一样厚着脸皮若无其事地走进那小屋。Beaufort had entered the little house with his usual easy assurance.

玛格丽特·博福特女士——亨利七世的母亲,成立了基督学院。Lady Margaret Beaufort , mother of Henry VII, founds Christ's College.

在那一批人中,有波弗多布夫人和迪费雷纳侯爵夫人。Among the number were Madame Beaufort d'Hautpoul and Marquise Dufresne.

黄昏的太阳,越过波弗特海,即将从加拿大的育空区落入到深红色的薄雾中。Sunset over the Beaufort Sea plunges Canada Yukon Territory into a crimson haze.

黄昏的太阳,越过波弗特海,即将从加拿大的育空区落入到深红色的薄雾中。Sunset over the Beaufort Sea plunges Canada's Yukon Territory into a crimson haze.

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摩天轮可以抵抗8级大地震及蒲福12级台风。The ferris wheel can resist 8-magnitude earthquakes and Beaufort scale 12 typhoons.

在4月就已发现这些冰向南向西涌进了波弗特海和楚科奇海。The ice was flushed southwards and westward into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, as noted in April.

波弗特海位于阿拉斯加北部和加拿大西北部沿岸以北,终年被浮冰覆盖。Beaufort Sea in northern Alaska and northwestern Canada, the north coast, was ice covered year round.

壳牌已经站在了在波弗特海和楚科奇海的北极区海域进行开采计划的前沿。Shell has been at the forefront of plans to drill in the Arctic waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.

博福特先生带我去看了几处房子——因为看来是不会允许我继续住在这儿了。Mr. Beaufort took me to see a number of houses-- since it seems I'm not to be allowed to stay in this one.

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现代羽毛球的历史要追溯到1860年英格兰波弗特公爵宫殿里修建的羽毛球馆了。The modern story of badminton goes back to 1860 and the Duke of Beaufort 's mansion, Badminton House in England.

蓝色。冰,知道来自下面,覆盖了北冰洋的鲍特海。这海位于阿拉斯加和加拿大的北部。Ice, seen from below, covers the surface of the Arctic's Beaufort Sea. The sea is found north of Alaska and Canada.

但是2008年是北冰洋海冰面积有记录以来倒数第二小的年头,波弗特海地区海冰面积更是锐减得厉害。But in 2008, Arctic sea ice extent was the second-lowest on record, with losses particularly acute in the Beaufort Sea.

估算了风电场年发电量。得出即墨风电场达到3级风场标准,具有开发价值。It is concluded that it is worthy of development only when the winds reach Grade 3 on the Beaufort scale for a wind farm.

博福特的家是纽约人乐于向外国人炫耀的一处住宅,尤其是在举办一年一度的舞会的晚上。The Beaufort house was one that New Yorkers were proud to show to foreigners, especially on the night of the annual ball.

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这里与波弗特海接壤,偏远荒凉的地带稀疏地散落着几座小村庄。Only small villages are thinly scattered in this remote and inhospitable region of Arctic tundra bordering the Beaufort Sea.

黄昏的太阳,越过波弗特海,即将从加拿大的育空区落入到深红色的薄雾中。Beaufort Sea, Yukon Territory, Canada, 1999Sunset over the Beaufort Sea plunges Canada's Yukon Territory into a crimson haze.

自从决定顺着兴趣工作之后,他已经在阿拉斯加南波弗特海的北极熊保护区工作了三年。Since following his passions he has worked with the Southern Beaufort Sea population of polar bears in Alaska for three years.