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民族主义,地区主义和部族主义意识都在提升。Nationalism, regionalism and tribalism are all on the rise.

“批判的地域主义”则是理论界对其的响应。Critical Regionalism is the response of theory circle to it.

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我同意你的说法,而且地方主义也是不能少的一个原因。I agree with you. And the regionalism is one unavoidable reason.

然而,东盟看上去是地方主义的有力宣传。ASEAN, however, seems a compelling advertisement for regionalism.

在亚洲范围内,地区主义指引下的地区合作正在蓬勃开展。In Asia, regional cooperation with the guidance of regionalism is booming.

从地域因素讲,河洛文化在我国传统文化中处于核心地位。Yellow River and Luoshui culture is at core of our traditional culture from regionalism.

由于瑞士地域文化差距比较大,所以很难讲这些文化具有哪些相似之处。Strong regionalism in Switzerland makes it difficult to speak of a homogeneous Swiss culture.

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城郊农业生态系统是一类区域性鲜明、功能独特的生态系统。The suburbs Agroecosystem is a kind of ecosystem of distinctive regionalism and unique function.

膨胀土胀缩性与土性指标之间的关系存在较大的模糊性和地域性。There are fuzziness and regionalism between the expansion and shrink of soil and the performance indexes.

地区主义的全球发展是二十世纪后半期世界政治中的一个重要现象。The global development of regionalism is an important phenomenon in the second half of the twenty-century.

新地区主义不仅是一系列观念的载体,也包含地区层面的一体化实践活动。New regionalism is not only embody of a series of ideas, but also the practice of integration in regional levels.

特别是关于东亚地区主义的研究,已经日益成为国内、国际学术界的兴奋点之一。Especially the Study of East Asia regionalism becomes excitement of domestic and international academia day by day.

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我们应该坚持开放的地区主义,尊重地区外国家在亚洲的存在和利益。We should adhere to open regionalism and respect the presence and interests of countries outside the region in Asia.

对于美国而言,双边主义和互拼乱凑的地区主义之网明显比特朗普所继承的那个世界要差。A web of bilateralism and a jerry-rigged regionalism are palpably worse for America than the world Mr Trump inherited.

县域经济是介于宏观经济和微观经济之间的中观经济,是带有行政区划性质的经济。Country economy is a subject which is between Macro economy and Micro economy and it has the character of regionalism.

全运会品牌形象具有历史性、民族性、文化性体育性、地区性和国际性的特点。The brand has the characteristics of historic, nationalism, culture, culture, sports, regionalism and internationalism.

随着城镇化进程的快速发展,我国地域性建筑逐渐形成多元多价的繁荣景象。With the rapid development of the city, there are kinds of prosperous scene of regionalism architecture in our country.

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甘肃省的民族民间文化遗产丰富且民族性、地域性突出。The legacies of ethnic and folk cultures in Gansu Province are abundant, and their ethnicity and regionalism are conspicuous.

改革的基本方向应是职业性、时代性、综合性、自主性和区域性。The basic guideline of the reform should be professionalism, modernization, comprehensiveness, liberalization and regionalism.

新地区主义是“开放的”或“多孔化”地区主义,它的政治逻辑与旧地区主义不同。New regionalism is characterized by its openness or porousness . It has a totally different political logic from old regionalism.