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美国每四年举行一次总统选举。The United States has a quadrennial election.

奥运会算是每四年一次的全球终极竞争。The Olympics may be the ultimate quadrennial global competition.

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尤其是当四年一次的世界杯举行时更是如此。This is especially true during the quadrennial World Cup championship.

美国国家情报委员会上次发表其4年一次的未来发展报告是在2004年12月。The last time the NIC published its quadrennial glimpse into the future was December 2004.

2010年四年防务评估报告甚至强调了将其作为与亚洲联盟合作的一个领域。The 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review even highlighted it as an area of cooperation with allies in Asia.

盖茨希望在2010年的四年防务评估报告中能看出需要一个新远端轰炸机机队。Gates wanted the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review to look at the need for a new long-range bomber fleet.

1928年奥运会结束后,国际足联召开代表会议,一致通过决议,举办四年一次的世界足球锦标赛。After the 1928 Olympic Games, FIFA representatives held, unanimously adopted a resolution to hold the quadrennial world championship.

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五角大楼2010年季度国防评论,对印度在全球事务,包括在印度洋地区中发挥更有影响的作为表示欢迎。The Pentagon's 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review welcomed "a more influential role in global affairs" for India, including in the Indian Ocean region.

波多尔斯基在科隆队度过了艰难的时期,但是或许他在世界杯为德国效力是最快乐的。他可能是世界杯最伟大的球员。Podoloski's had a rough season for Koeln, but he seems happiest when playing for Germany at World Cups. He may be the greatest quadrennial player in the world.

日本将在今年年底前审查其防卫计划纲要,同时美国将在2010年2月拟定四年防务评估报告。Japan is set to review its National Defense Program Guidelines at the end of the year, while the U.S. will draw up its Quadrennial Defense Review in February 2010.

从来没有人们记忆中有一个选举更重要的是一个比迅速接近,这就是四年一度的陈词滥调,如预期的气球和豪。Never in living memory has an election been more critical than the one fast approaching—that’s the quadrennial cliché, as expected as the balloons and the bombast.

这是在不顾国家安全战略文件,甚至不顾美国国会授权的四年防务评估报告结论下进行的。This is being done in the absence of a National Security Strategy document or even the outcome of the Congressionally-mandated Quadrennial Defense Review, the QDR as it is called.

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然而,就像在五角大楼四年防务评估报告中所说的那样,即便是仅在小规模范围里,美国还是更愿意面对靠实力说话的局面,毕竟这是它更为熟悉的。But as the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review recently concluded, the United States is still likely to face scenarios requiring a familiar tool kit of capabilities, albeit on a smaller scale.

美国国务院第一个四年外交政策和发展回顾报告确认了非政府组织的重要性,报告指出非政府组织在以后的国际事务中将发挥越来越重要的作用。The State Department's first-ever Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review also reaffirmed the importance of NGOs, noting that they will play an "ever-greater role" in international affairs.