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我怎样在演示中获取反馈?How do I get feedback in demos?

我如何利用演示来获取反馈?How do I get feedback using demos?

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同时他曾是德莫斯智囊团的联合创始人。He was a co-founder of the think tank Demos.

第一个是。Demos The first political structure is the demos.

除了演示还有其它获取反馈的方法吗?Are there other ways to get feedback besides demos?

我应对这个问题的通常方法是预先录制好所有的演示内容。My solution to this problem is to prerecord all my demos.

让我们进一步假设您想每两个星期都进行演示。Let's say further that you want to do demos every two weeks.

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我们制作了三盘示范带,但是从没有正式发行过。We made three demos tapes but never actually released anything on a label.

另一个挑战是迭代结果审查和演示的计时。Another challenge was the timing of the iteration results review and demos.

我这周录了我的第一对小样,在周一,I've been recording my first couple of demos just this week, some on Monday,

要是沃尔玛可以提供无线局域网的话,我甚至还会带我自己的路由器过去,给你们产品展示。If WalMart can provide me the WLAN, I'll even bring my own router for the demos.

ISO当然也是可以运行的,不需要任何修改,例如合金装备。The ISO also start without needing to tinker and demos such as Metal Gear Solid.

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该平台预览版提供了大量的演示与示例来介绍这些特性。All these features are explained with demos and examples in the Platform Preview.

把遗忘的中学数学带到大银幕,辛迪。迪莫丝报道。Bringing forgotten high school math to the big screen, I'm Cindy Demos reporting.

迪莫斯在这是坏人,他曾追随保罗,但已经背叛了他。Demos is a bad guy here who had been a follower of Paul but he's now betraying Paul.

她投资了自己的多样音乐录音室然后创作了一系列录音样带。She had also invested in her own home multi-track studio and produced a string of demos.

是购买者同样被他们需要去改变公司的产品小样所征服了么?Were the buyers' people so blown away by the product demos that they wanted to switch firms?

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与他们保持联系的内容,包括电子通讯订阅、白皮书下载、演示等。Give them links to content like e-newsletter subscriptions, whiter paper downloads and demos.

emosia这个词的词根是demos,demos的意思是人民,全体公民It's the word demos that's at the root of demosia and demos means the people, all the people.

我们喜欢做一些示范,实际上我们,利用这个和全球的研究家们开会。We do love to have demos and we have actually meetings with our researchers across the world.