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他会说当地方言。He speaks the local patois.

俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。As a patois , or colloquial , slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor.

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研究澳门的历史和语言,土生葡语是不可忽略的一部分。Patois cannot be neglected if we wish to study the history and languages of Macao.

住在洛杉矶,我知道发展执行员含糊其辞的方言。Living in Los Angeles, I recognized the evasive patois of the development executive.

第四章,从三个方面分析了语言接触对鄂尔多斯土语句法的影响。The fourth chapter analyze the language contact from three aspects to the Erdos patois syntax influence.

几乎每个地方都有它的方言。法国人认为这是对民族团结的威胁,所以在法国学校里禁止讲方言。Almost every to French unity, and in French schools any child who spoke the forbidden patois was given a bean.

第三章,从三个方面分析了语言接触对鄂尔多斯土语音位系统的影响。The third chapter analyze the language contact from three aspects to the Erdos patois phoneme system's influence.

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然后你要是北上,你觉得那该说法语了吧,在诺曼底一些地方是,但是还有好多种方言And then if you go up, you think, well they spoke French there, certainly in Normandy, but they spoke in many parts a patois.

然后这里有,这里有各种方言,有利穆赞方言,有各种语言And then you've got all these, you've got over in the patois here, you've got Limosin patois. You've got all these languages.

结论部分总结了黑龙江省杜尔伯特口语语音方面几个突出的特点。In conclusion, author summarized her study and pointed out some prominent character of Dorbed patois in Heilongjiang province.

当地的语言也仍然和加勒比海式英语方言并存着,但它们大都是在市场和家里所用的土话。Local languages still alongside the Caribbean English dialect , too , but they are mostly the patois of the marketplace and home.

艾克斯苦古尔德地方的年轻人愉快地在闲谈,好象急着要最后一次说说家乡的土话似的。The young men from the Cougourde d'Aix were chatting merrily among themselves, as though eager to speak patois for the last time.

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当地的语言也仍然和加勒比海式英语方言并存着,但它们大都是在市场和家里所用的土话。Local languages still exist alongside the caribbean english dialect too but they are mostly the patois of the marketplace and home.

语言上,谭恩美采用英语和汉语的混合体来充分体现华裔美国人的双重文化身份。Tan's narrative language in the novel is a patois of Chinese and English, which displays the unique cultural identity of Chinese Americans.

第一章,主要介绍了鄂尔多斯的历史背景以及鄂尔多斯土语的语言环境与因为体系。The first chapter mainly introduce Erdos's historical perspective as well as the Erdos patois language environment and because of the system.

第一部分,主要结合社会历史及自然文化环境,对阿拉善额济纳土语的形成和阿拉善额济纳土语的特殊词语进行研究。The first part the writer mainly gives study on the forming of AlxaEjin patois and its special vocabularies from the social history and natural environment.

我们会以一套有效的度方式来监督奥巴马的决议的执行,琼斯以其40年海军陆战队员特有的语调说道。We will oversee the strategic implementation of decisions with a finely developed set of metrics, says Jones in the patois peculiar to those who spend 40 years as a leatherneck.

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文章重点分析向本贵小说一般方言词语中的动词、形容词、名词和地域名词,并分析了特殊词语——自造词。The author mainly analyzes verbs, adjectives, nouns and place nouns, and the special vocabulary of self-making words in the common patois words and expressions from Xiang' s fictions.

澳门土生葡语其中以葡萄牙语为基础,在发展过程中则吸收了不少“借用词”,包括粤语、马来语、印尼语、印度语和英语等语言的词语。The Macanese Patois was based on Portuguese and absorbed a lot of "borrowed words" during the process of its development. This included Cantonese, Malay, Indonesian, Indian and English words.

在这里面学校扮演了主要角色,所以这些说着,方言或者普罗旺斯语或者加斯科涅语的孩子们,我把加斯科涅语忘了,在波尔多附近,他们操着勉强能接受的法语唱着马赛曲,上前线等待被屠杀And the schools play a major role in this and thus all these kids who grew up speaking patois or Provencal or Gascon-- I forgot Gascon, around Bordeaux, they can sing the Marseillaise in acceptable French as they march off to be slaughtered.