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法国兴业银行和西班牙桑坦德银行领跌银行股。Societe Generale SA and Banco Santander SA led banking shares lower.

拖延的原因是朝鲜在澳门汇业银行的冻结资金问题尚未解决。The delay resulted from the unresolved issue of the North’s frozen assets in Banco Delta Asia.

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想了解更多关于巴西中央银行增长利率计划的情况,请参阅我网页上的帖子。For more on plans by the Banco Central do Brasil to raise interest rates, see this post on my website.

自从2007年荷兰银行的四分五裂,桑坦德银行收购了雷亚尔银行后,桑坦德银行现在在巴西已确立了地位。Santander has strengthened its presence in Brazil, where it bought Banco Real in the carve-up of ABN AMRO in 2007.

葡萄牙圣灵银行的违约掉期当日创下新高,达到4个多月来最高水平。Swaps on Banco Espirito rose to a record, while contracts on BBVA climbed to the highest level in more than four months.

西班牙桑坦德银行与托管方达成决议,设法为在伯纳德•麦道夫的庞氏骗局中受害的客户追回钱款。Banco Santander reached a settlement with the trustee seeking to recover money for clients of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

诸如伊塔乌联合银行、布拉德斯科银行以及美洲饮料集团等知名大企业均将其总部设在这里。It is the headquarters location for such companies as the banks Itaú Unibanco, and Banco Bradesco, as well as beer maker AmBev.

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默克尔的这一政府管指令使得投资者不安,以意志银行和桑坦德银行为首的金融股走低。Deutsche Bank AG and Banco Santander SA led financial shares lower as German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government rattled investors.

控制的核心是冻结北朝鲜在澳门汇业银行的帐户,华盛顿称这家银行情愿为北朝鲜的非法活动鞍前马后。The curbs center on frozen accounts at Macau's Banco Delta Asia, which Washington says was a "willing pawn" in the North's illicit activities.

美朝政府就澳门汇业银行冻结朝鲜资金问题达成共识。The United States and the North Korean Government have reached understanding on the disposition of DPRK related funds frozen at Banco Delta Asia.

西班牙桑坦德银行和西班牙对外银行股价上涨,西班牙拍卖国债投资者认购踊跃。Banco Santander SA, and Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA, Spain’s largest banks, climbed as demand increased at an auction of the nation’s debt.

他伯拉在墨西哥南部一个火炉区域,这里的大部分人阿紫别克银行的一个有空调的房间内排队处理他们的汇款。In tapachula, a furnace of a city in southern Mexico, people line up inside an air-conditioned branch of Banco Azteca to process their remittances.

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澳门永亨银行股份有限公司由2003年至2007年之摘要财务报表,节錄自经毕马威会计师事务所审核之财务报表。Summary of the Financial Statements of Banco Weng Hang, S. A. , Macau from 2003 to 2007 which are extracted from the financial statements audited by KPMG.

火上浇油的是,CAM银行的状况使人们对其他放款人的信用产生担心,进而损害的西班牙银行的信誉,使人们呼吁政府加强监管。The state of Banco CAM in particular has fuelled doubts about the credit quality of other lenders and hurt the Bank of Spain's reputation for tight supervision.

桑坦德集团主席埃米尔。波廷公开的称赞欣赏他的同胞阿隆索,为此早先在麦克拉伦的尾翼后面做广告。Banco Santander, whose chief Emilio Botin openly admires countryman Alonso, currently advertises primarily on the rearward-facing elements of McLaren's rear wing.

根据朝鲜方面发出的一系列指令要求,澳门汇业银行已汇出一笔超过2,000万美元的钱款。The Macao-based Banco Delta Asia has remitted a sum of over 20 million US dollars out of Macao, according to the instruction of several dozens of claims from North Korea.

星期五,金融市场细心地留意到葡萄牙最大的银行,千禧银行,BPI银行和圣精银行正在准备接受国家的紧急信贷担保。The market took careful note on Friday that Portugal’s biggest banks, Millenium, BPI, and Banco Espirito Santo are preparing to take up the state’s emergency credit guarantees.

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该项交易预计在2009年第一季完成.西班牙国际银行的报价为每0.2924股美国存托凭证换Sovereign一股普通股.The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2009. It calls for a swap of 0.2924 Banco Santander American depository shares for every share of Sovereign common stock.

巴西第二大钢铁公司,可能会公布有史以来最差的第一季获利,因营收下滑以及低钢价。Usiminas, the second-largest steelmaker, may report one of the "weakest" first-quarter operating results in the company's history amid slumping sales and lower steel prices, Banco Santander SA said.