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我吹笛子。I play the flute.

他吹笛子。He tooted on his flute.

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应该是笛子吧。It should be the flute.

一声长笛江天暮。River at Dusk flute sound.

你正在吹横笛。You are playing the flute.

男孩在长笛上吹颤音。The boy trilled on a flute.

爱好长笛和双簧管演奏。Like to play flute and oboe.

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教猪吹短笛,不可能的事。Teach a pig to play a flute.

为什么最好的笛子该给最好的笛手?。go to the best flute players?

长笛伴奏的一首歌。A song with a flute obbligato.

我喜欢吹我的竹笛。I like playing my bamboo flute.

我们遇见黑管和长笛。We meet a clarinet and a flute.

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他吹奏了一首优美的笛于曲。He played a nice tune on the flute.

游吟歌手将长笛置于唇前。The minstrel set flute to his lips.

爱好长笛,竹笛演奏。Like flute and bamboo flute playing.

甜蜜的长笛声散发着你的优雅。Sweetly play the flute of Thy grace.

来自贵阳,爱好长笛和葫芦丝演奏。Like to play flute and cucurbit flute.

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笛音飘飘,把一切都笼住了The sound of the flute floats over all

那是笛声。号角声响应。That's the flute. And the horn answers.

准确地说应该是羌笛。To be more exact, it's the Qiang flute.