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新保守主义对亡灵造反的政策回应是简单而直接的。The neoconservative policy response to an undead uprising would be simple and direct.

一是在外国行使霸权,实际操作比新保守主义理论所阐述的更为困难。First, wielding power abroad proved harder in practice than in neoconservative theory.

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如今美国面貌一新的现实主义政策较之布什政府以武力开路的新式保守主义政策,不仅仅只是一个政策上的修改而已。Washington's new realism is more than a revision of the devastating neoconservative muscle-flexing of the Bush years.

哪种新保守主义的潮流会胜出?是对民主的追求,抑或只是对伊斯兰运动夺取政权的恐惧?Which neoconservative impulse will win out -- the embrace of democratic longing, or the fear of Islamic movements taking power?

人道主义干涉和美国新保守主义对传统国际法造成了冲击。The so-called humanitarian intervention and American neoconservative practices have exerted a great impact on traditional international law.

美国国际安全顾问委员会的这份报告将成为新保守派对付中国的一个范本,同时为批评奥巴马的中国政策提供基础。This ISAB report will serve as a template for the neoconservative approach to China and provide the foundation for critiques of Barack Obama's China policy.

小布什总统及其新保守主义顾问们忽视了伊拉克的种族与宗派现实和波斯湾的权力均衡。President George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers disregarded the ethnic and sectarian realities in Iraq and the balance of power in the Persian Gulf.

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新保守派的理论家们对伊拉克一无所知,他们相信伊拉克转变成民主政权会改变中东的政治格局---使阿拉伯人更像美国人。Neoconservative theorists, who knew nothing about Iraq , believed that the transformational power of democracy could change the Middle East — make Arabs more like Americans.

毫无疑问,布什总统利用了911事件,通过控制公共舆论强制向公众灌输了深深的犬儒主义,从而加强了他的权力和他周围那些新保守主义者的职位。Certainly Bush used 9-11 to consolidate his power and the neoconservative intellectuals who surrounded him adopted a deep cynicism concerning the manipulation of public opinion.

称麦凯恩为新保守主义者未必确切,然而他却无疑是一位极为坚定的美利坚民族主义者。他深信,美国的力量足以扫平那些流氓国家,顺便也不妨将民主带给全世界。Mr McCain is not exactly a neoconservative , but he is an assertive American nationalist who believes in wielding American power, facing down rogue states and, to some extent, spreading democracy.