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但是现在我成了一个滴管了。But I became an eyedropper.

空出一个吸管和填补与过氧化氢。Empty out an eyedropper and fill up it with hydrogen peroxide.

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切换到滴管工具暂时按住这个关键。Switches to the Eyedropper tool temporarily by holding down this key.

如有需要,用眼药水瓶或注射器吸取液滴。If necessary, suction off the droplets using an eyedropper or syringe.

如果你已经选择了笔刷工具,按住Opt键可以快速启动吸管工具。If you have the Brush tool selected, hold down Opt key will quickly activate the Eyedropper tool.

我会建议您使用滴管工具来获取精确的颜色或与我类似的颜色。I will recommend you to use the eyedropper tool to grab the exact color or a similar color with mine.

当翁蒂娜去抓另一个孩子的滴眼液时,凯特立即小声提醒“记住,那是他的任务!”“Remember, that’s his job, ” Kate would whisper urgently as Ondine made a grab for another kid’s eyedropper.

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为了防止异物进入眼睛,请不要让药瓶的滴头触及眼皮。To keep foreign matters from getting into your eyes, don't allow the tip of the eyedropper to touch your eyelid.

这样做我便可以很快激活图层,然后用吸管工具吸取我要的颜色,最后隐藏图层,接着设计幻灯片。This way I can quickly activate the layer, eyedropper the color I want, then hide the layer and get back to work.

提高您的使用吸管工具日志文字,以符合您的文字颜色为您的照片或元素。Enhance your journaling text by use the Eyedropper tool to match the color of your text to your photos or elements.

选择吸管工具,然后单击某处的尾巴,这是获得与鹦鹉相匹配的红颜色。Select the eyedropper tool then click somewhere on the tail, this is to get a reddish color that matches the color of the bird.

“我不知道怎样才会再次成为一个英雄,”巴菲特那时曾说。“我曾有过如尼亚加拉瀑布流水一样多的新点子。但是现在我成了一个滴管了。”“I didn't know how to be a hero anymore,” Buffett said at the time. “I had been a Niagara Falls of new ideas. But I became an eyedropper.”

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我稳稳地旋开瓶盖,插入药用滴管,举起瓶子,让药水滴出直至滴满滴管的最低剂量处。I steadily untwisted the top and inserted the eye dropper, lifted it up, and let drops out until the eyedropper was filled to the lowest dose.

排成两行的色彩框,中间有一个较大的色彩框,左边有一个“取色滴管”按钮,右边有一个箭头。The color boxes that appear in two rows with a larger color box in the middle with an eyedropper button on the left and an arrow on the right.

这这个图片里你能看到我用拾色器工具吸取了房顶的亮光区域,你可以看到它的色相是偏红色的,并非白色。u can see that I used the eyedropper tool to proof that the parts of the wall which are in bright light are not white at all but a slight hue into red.

选用吸管工具吸取照片中的背景色,在用裁切工具将图中编辑区域进行扩大,画布颜色就是我们刚用吸管工具吸取的背景色。Eyedropper Tool to copy the background's color and place it on the palette as "background color". Choose the Crop Tool also to enlarge the picture's size.

她发现费罗斯的一只手里牢牢地握着一个已经破碎的玻璃瓶子,因为握得太紧而被捏碎的眼药水瓶。Near her master in the bathroom she had found a little bottle, and gripped in Old Man Fellows' hand, so tightly that he had crushed it, was an eyedropper.

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克拉拉给恩尼通过滴管他的止痛药,并务必请他几次才咽下她的请求和响应的药物被咽下。Clara gives Ernie his pain killer through an eyedropper and must ask him several times to swallow before he responds to her pleas and the medication is ingested.

这是一个更快的方法比使用吸管工具选取个别的颜色和增加逐一向样本调色板-这也适用于任何的RGB图像。This is a much quicker method than using the Eyedropper tool to select individual colours and adding them one by one to the Swatches palette – it also works with any RGB image.