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对于所有死者的不信神的?For all the deceased godless?

对于教会人士,他是无神论者。To the churchmen, he was a godless atheist.

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我说,听到他对神这样漠视大吃一惊。I said, shocked at his godless indifference.

对于不信神的你,那里只会是一种怼咒。And for you the godless there shall be a curse.

而与此同时,他对无神论也是持怀疑态度At the same time, he's equally suspicious of the godless.

对于印度人,中国人是粗暴、没有信仰的-并且肮脏。to the Indians, the Chinese were crass, godless — and dirty.

这是由于罪恶的自由派已播下的种子多年。It is the result of the seeds godless liberals have sown for years.

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本文提出了一种基于蚁群算法的集成电路无网格布线算法。A godless net muting with ant colony algorithm for IC design is presented.

我要向背道者教导你的道路,而不敬者将回头复归于你。I shall teach Thy ways to the lawless and the godless will return to Thee.

在穆斯林听来这个词含有“邪恶的”意味。The Muslim ear tends to hear "godless" with the pronunciation of this word.

但在每一条光芒闪烁却无神的小路的尽头,只有空虚、饥饿和苦痛。But at end of every glittering, Godless path is emptiness, hunger, and pain.

她曾听说在长城以外,无信仰的蛮荒之地仍然可以找到巨人。She had heard that giants could still be found in the godless wild beyond the Wall.

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而一个不信神的社会对世界上极大多数穆斯林来说根本就是不可思议的。And a godless society is simply inconceivable to the vast majority of Muslims worldwide.

然后,这个荒谬、无神的世界就会住满了思想清晰、不再抱有希望的人。This absurd, godless world is, then, peopled with men who think clearly and have ceased to hope.

我们不用马克思主义给他们洗脑,亦不寻求捣腾出无神的不道德的蛮子军队。We didn't brainwash them with Marxism nor seek to churn out armies of godless immoral barbarians.

广泛存在的不信神的人民必然经历社会灾难的恐惧因此毫无根据。The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted.

不虔敬的人用口败坏邻居,义人却因知识得救。With their mouths the godless would destroy their neighbors, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered.

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世界经济体系将成为无信仰的中国领导下的,同时奥巴马向中国国家主席弯腰鞠躬。We are becoming a one-world economic system under a godless China while Islamic Obama bows to China President.

但女人们惊谎失措,并在审判席前大声痛哭,邪恶的判决,不虔诚的判决But the women were panic stricken and cried out before the judgment seat, "An evil judgment! A godless judgment!"

参谋军士,答应我别让我被那些什么铁血战士活捉,好吗?Hey, staff sergeant! Promise me you won't let me be taken alive by some godless predator from another world, staff sergeant?