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他是不会的,"杰拉尔德说。“Nor will he,” said Gerald.

杰拉尔德爵士已经被收买了。Sir Gerald had been nobbled.

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杰拉尔德要当一个地主。Gerald wanted to be a planter.

吉拉德怀疑地摇了摇头。Gerald shook his head doubtfully.

杰拉尔德是一家大型保险公司的总经理。Gerald is an executive at a big insurance company.

杰拉尔德暴躁地说,狠狠地瞪了她一眼。Said Gerald testily, shooting a sharp look at her.

杰拉杰马寇就是新世纪音乐作曲家的代名词。Gerald Jay Markoe is THE composer of New Age music.

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然而菲茨杰拉德提出的突围计划仍是必不可少。But the sally advocated by Fitz Gerald was necessary.

下午恐怕不行,杭太太。GERALD. I am afraid not this afternoon, Lady Hunstanton.

杰罗尔德锁上了门,把家具靠到一边。Gerald fastened the door and pushed the furniture aside.

该歌手由杰拉尔德·穆尔钢琴伴奏。The singer was accompanied at the piano by Gerald Moore.

她心中顿时火气,可是杰拉尔德摆了摆手,叫她平静些。Fury flamed in her, but Gerald waved her quiet with a hand.

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这位矮小的、精明的、盛气凌人的杰拉尔德已经完成这一切。He had done it all, little, hard-headed, blustering Gerald.

蜿蜒的大路上仍然没有杰拉尔德的影子。Still there was no sign of Gerald on the quiet winding road.

杰拉德被她话语中流露出的庸俗唯物主义惹恼了。Gerald was nettled by this implication of vulgar materialism.

注意,这张名单上缺少杰拉德-格林和里安-戈麦斯。Note the absence of Gerald Green and Ryan Gomes on that list.

杰勒德面孔晒得黝黑黝黑,从头到脚风尘仆仆。Gerald bronzed in the face and travel-stained from head to foot.

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杰拉尔德也推出他的那堆筹码,并把钱装放在上面。Gerald shoved in all his chips and laid on top of them his wallet.

前总统杰拉德·福特躺在华盛顿,国会大厅里接受大家的告别仪式。Hundreds are remembering former president Gerald Ford in Washington DC.

奥尔西尼的婚纱由比利时设计师杰拉德·瓦特雷设计。Ms Orsini's dress was designed by Gerald Watelet, the Belgian designer.