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我讨厌电梯——电梯使我有幽闭恐惧感。I hate lifts — they give me claustrophobia.

素妍从少年时,刺激了幽闭恐惧症。So-yeon from juvenile when a stimulus had claustrophobia.

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那么他或者她有时会有幽闭感吗?So does he or she feel a sense of claustrophobia sometimes?

有幽闭恐怖症的人极度恐惧困在电梯里。People with claustrophobia have a horror of being trapped in the lift.

在这里,幽闭症和恐高症同时并存,就像两团体睡在一张床上。Claustrophobia and acrophobia in the same place, like two people in abed.

在这里,幽闭症和恐高症同时并存,就像两私人睡在一张床上。Claustrophobia and acrophobia in the same place, like two people in a bed.

幽闭恐惧症是一种害怕密闭空间的焦虑失调。Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder involving the fear of confined spaces.

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这种恐惧症也可能和其他恐惧症一并发作,如幽闭恐惧症。This kind of phobia may involve some other phobia as well like maybe claustrophobia.

祥林嫂的幽闭恐怖症是社会角色强加给祥林嫂的精神恐怖。Sister Xianglin s claustrophobia was the spiritual terror imposed by her social role.

众所周知,过量的糖会引起幽闭恐怖症、记忆丧失和其他的神经紊乱。Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia , memory loss and other neurotic disorders.

他的同学嘲笑他的幽闭,而且往往威胁要他锁在他的房间里。His fellow classmates laughed at his claustrophobia and often threatened to lock him in his room.

透墙而视与恐狭效应是易卜生戏剧的两大技巧。Teichoscopia and claustrophobia are two techniques employed by Henrik Ibsen in his dramatic works.

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该实验影片以触发幽闭恐惧及焦虑的方式来述说失去控制的昏眩不安。Evoking fears of claustrophobia and anxiety, this experimental video addresses the qualms of losing control.

地牢高6米,直径4.4米,患有幽闭恐惧症的人显然不会喜欢这里。It is 4.4 m in diameter and 6 m in height. Those who suffer from claustrophobia won’t obviously like this place.

伦敦地铁大部分都是露天的而非在隧道中。如果你有幽闭恐惧症,告诉自己这个事实。More of the London Underground is open than in a tunnel. Tell yourself this fact if you suffer from claustrophobia.

在这个修法中,我们把我们的菩提心和美善送出去,把痛苦、恐惧和幽闭感吸收进来。In this practice, we are sending out our bodhicitta, our goodness, and taking in the suffering, fear and claustrophobia.

作者还把笔锋一转,特别暗示坡在母亲虚弱的子宫内的日子导致了他在日后把幽闭恐怖症作为创作素材。In one particularly acrobatic leap, he hints that Poe's time in his mother's sickly womb led him to write about claustrophobia.

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祥林嫂想要在知识分子那里获得灵魂幽闭恐怖的解脱,但知识分子并没有给她一点精神的出路。Sister Xianglin wanted to get extrication of spiritual claustrophobia from intellectuals, but the intellectuals couldn't give her any outlet.

在家庭温室和幽闭恐惧症以及学校生活中,显而易见地,从“大姐姐”那里夺走支配权对另一个来说轻而易举。In the hothouse and claustrophobia of family and school life it was quite clear that taking the lead from her "bigger" sister was the simplest route to take for the other twin.

两人被关在幽暗货舱,有情幽闭症发作,方楷安慰声中,与当年方楷安慰的情景相似,有情终透露当年两人也曾在一起的事,方楷感意外。YouqQing's claustrophobia acts up again and Fang Kai comforts her. You Qing revealed she has been in a similar situation when she was young. Fang Kai is surprised to hear this.