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嘿,他们从我们薪水里扣了不少钱。Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.

每回只要从薪水里面扣除几元钱。It’s only a few dollars every paycheck.

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她每星期六都存储她的薪金支票。She deposited her paycheck every Saturday.

你想我从你薪水扣起来吗?You want me to take that out of your paycheck?

你对现在的薪水不满意吗?Are you not satisfied with your current paycheck?

女性挣钱越多家务活干得越少。Big paycheck means less housework for married women.

为什么“一份稳定的收入”就能禁锢我们的梦想?Why do we let "safety of a paycheck" screw our dreams?

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合理安排,让这些钱少动用你的薪水。Arrange to have the money withdrawn from your paycheck.

起义军们给那些战斗的士兵和放置炸弹的人么发放薪水。They offer a paycheck to those who fight or plant bombs.

你要是搞不定,这个月你不别想拿钱了。If you can't handle it, don't cash your paycheck this month.

我把每周薪水的部分都存到一个帐户里。I put a portion of my weekly paycheck into a savings account.

我离开了耶路大学的执教生涯,不再有收入。I had left my teaching job at Yale and no longer had a paycheck.

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每星期五中午发工资,只要工资一到手,我就立刻交出来。I'd turn over my paycheck the minute i got it-that's friday noon.

我刚拿到我的薪水支票,大概少了五百元。I just got my paycheck. There was about five hundred yuan missing.

这要看我的薪金里还剩多少钱够花。It depends on how much money I have left from my paycheck to spend.

我们大多数人都知道生活支出无休无止。Most of us know the never-ending cycle of living paycheck to paycheck.

下次发了工资的时候,我希望你能按下面这5步走I want you to take the following 5 steps when you get your next paycheck

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但现在确实是进行试验的大好时机——趁你还不需要自己挣工资时。But now is actually a great time to experiment-before you need that paycheck.

新的岁出预算案对国家雇员来说是一张更大的支票。The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees.

人们只是想得到房屋贷款,或者退税,或者他们的薪水。People just want to get a home loan or get their tax refund or their paycheck.