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谁谁的很胖,谁很富裕,谁又聪明伶俐,...等等。Who's fatter? Richer?

他比过去胖多了。He's much fatter than he used to be.

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王夫人甚至比以前更胖了。Mrs Wang is even fatter than before.

狗越瘦,虼蚤越肥。The leaner the dog, the fatter the flea.

你吃得愈多,你就会长得愈胖。The more you eat , the fatter you will be.

你比我上次见你时胖点了。You are a little fatter than when I saw you last.

哦,我喜欢身材肥胖的黑人女孩,越肥越好!Oh, I like fat, black girls. The fatter the better!

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你够胖了,甜食可能是你甚至更胖。Yare heavy enough, sweets may make you even fatter.

另一个负面影响就是弹壳变得稍微丰满了一点。Another is that the cartridge cases are slightly fatter.

你如果把那些奶油蛋糕全吃了,会变得更加胖的。You'll get even fatter if you eat all those cream cakes.

就像我先前说的那样,最后你会越来越胖肌肉也会越来越松垮。As I said earlier you’ll end up fatter and have less muscle.

大家感觉胖点好还是瘦点好?Does everybody feel bit fatter good thin still place is good?

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世界变得越来越大,或者至少是膨胀。Mouse patato The world is getting bigger, or at least fatter.

健康专家越是努力帮助我们,我们就变得更加肥胖。The harder the experts try to save Americans, the fatter we get.

就像我先前说的那样,最后你会越来越胖肌肉也会越来越松垮。As I said earlier you'll end up fatter and have less muscle. Not smart.

有些甚至可以虚报其库存价值,获取更多贷款。Some could even inflate the value of their stocks to land fatter loans.

我们可以用根绳子拴着鹅的腿,到圣马丁节就变得还要肥。We can tie up the goose, and it'll grow even fatter for Michaelmas Day.

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尽管如此,作为一个国家,我们比以往更加多病和肥胖。Despite this, as a nation, we are sicker and fatter than we have everbeen.

最后,我要感谢姚之队。从第一次见面到如何,这么多年过去了,我们都老了,也长胖了。Finally, to Team Yao. We all look older and fatter than when we first met.

阿兰娜越来越胖了,她为什么不试着减肥呢?Alana is getting fatter and fatter. Why doesn't she try to lose some weight?