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吉姆轻而易举地击败了迪克。Jim worsted Dick easily.

它的六位对手让它变坏。Its six opponents worsted it.

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精纺毛料套装很暖和。Worsted suits are nice and warm.

张撅了吕布和毛跟踪他的优势。Zhang Jue had worsted Dong Zhuo and was following up his advantage.

并迅速崛起成为东北最大的精纺呢绒生产基地。And the rapid rise of the Northeast's largest worsted fabric production base.

图5系粗纺和精纺毛织物整理加工的流程图。Figure 5 is a process flow chart of wool and worsted fabric finishing oprations.

图5系粗纺和精纺毛织物整理加工的流程图。Figure 5 is a process flow chart of wool and worsted fabric finishing operations.

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研究结果为竹原纤维新材料在精毛纺中的应用提供了参考。This has provided a basis for the application of bamboo fiber in worsted fabrics.

本文简述了毛织物的风格及特征的几点基本要求。The article discusses several requests on the style and charcter of worsted goods.

精梳毛织品的成品色差是产品质量控制的重要指标之一。Colour-difference of combing worsted spinning is very important to quality control.

图4概略表示出粗纺和精纺毛织物生产的工艺流程。Figure 4 outlines the operations that take place in woolen and worsted fabric manufacturing.

基于这一原理,开发了三维印花毛织物。Based on this principle, it has developed the worsted wool fabrics with three dimension printing.

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毛纱一种柔软质轻的织物,原先是用麦利诺羊毛纺成的,但现在用任何优质羊毛都可织成。A fine twilled fabric of silk and worsted or cotton, often dyed black and used for mourning clothes.

毛织物品质和风格特点主要是由毛织物的后整理即染整工艺来实现的。The quality and style of worsted wool fabric are made in the dyeing and finishing to a large extent.

整理后的精纺呢绒对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌有良好的抑菌性和耐洗涤性能。Worsted woolen cloth treated by chitosan can obtain good antibacterial property and washing endurance.

贵方的啥咪呢订单可以接受,但起订量必须每包300码。Your order for worsted flannel is acceptable provided you agree to the miniumum of 300 yards per shade.

自主开发新一代的低羊毛含量面料达到精纺面料的品质。Our company is developing a new generation low-wool content cloth to meet the standard of worsted cloth.

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把用高捻羊毛和亚麻制成的西服跟用劣质的羊毛制成的西服相比,差距是显著的。The difference in a suit made of a high twist wool or linen compared to one of worsted wool is remarkable.

介绍了精纺双层大衣呢的风格特点、生产工艺及技术控制措施。The paper introduced the style, production process and technical measures of the worsted double-layer coat.

南山呢绒呢绒呈现出一脉传承的品质与尊贵!Nanshan Worsted Fabrics presents the dignity of quality which will be carried forward in future development.