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某些矿床中发育的纯透辉石层与成矿不具必然联系。The diopside is not of certain relation to the metallization.

脉石矿物主要为方解石、石英、透辉石、石榴子石等。Vein minerals are mainly in quartz, Calcite, diopside and garnet etc.

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透辉石矿是高频瓷的一种实用原料。Diopside rock is a functional raw material for high frequence porcelain.

透辉石为枝晶,斜长石为球粒晶。The morphology of diopside is dendritic and the plagioclase is spherulitic.

天水后裕沟透辉石矿床是很好的节能矿物原料基地。And the diopside deposit of Tianshui is a good resource place for saving on energy.

星芒透辉石主产于印度,通常为黑色或黑绿色。Star Diopside is mainly mined in India and is generally a black or blackish green color.

透辉石是一个相当软,脆的宝石,所以应注意避免任何尖锐的打击或刮痕。Diopside is a fairly softandbrittle gemstone socareshould be takentoavoid any sharp blows or scratches.

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往上过渡到均质的辉长岩-苏长质辉长岩系列,顶部则有辉绿岩质岩墙与玄武岩质熔岩。Diopside was liquidus phase of the magmas and was enclosed by the growing chromian spinels to become mineral inclusions.

在实验基础上研制出了瓷质砖透辉石型、钡长石型和硅锌矿型生料无光釉。探讨了其无光机理。Diopside type celsian type and willemite type raw matt glazes for the porcelain tile were deveooped on the basis of the experiments.

在实验基础上研制出了瓷质砖透辉石型、钡长石型和硅锌矿型生料无光釉。Diopside type, celsian type, and willemite type raw matt glazes for the porcelain tile were developed on the basis of the experiments.

透辉石有两个方向的完全解理,通常为孪晶生成,短且成圆柱形,断口参差不平。Diopside crystals have a perfect cleavage in two directions, are often twinned and are short and columnar, but with an uneven fracture.

本文研究了以透辉石为主要原料,结合钠长石、镁质泥等,通过合理配方,辊道窑上一次快速烧成瓷质外墙砖。With the rational formula, rapid single firing porcelain exterior wall tiles in roller kiln were produced by diopside as main material.

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指出霓石结石中的主要矿物为霓石和透辉石,它们之间能形成类质同象系列。It pointed out that the main minerals in Aegirine stone are composed of Aegirine and diopside. Among them the isomorphism series can be formed.

本文介绍透辉石在坯体中的作用以及在陶瓷釉面砖坯体中的应用。确定透辉石的用量。This paper discussed the act and application of diopside in the body of ceramic wall tiles. The appropriate amount of diopside in the recipes was given.

结果表明,利用硫铁矿尾矿为主要原料,添加适量的其他原料,可获得主晶相为透辉石相的微晶玻璃。The results show that taking pyrite tailings as major raw mat and adding small amount of other materials can produce the glass-ceramics with diopside as main crystal phase.

在日用细瓷坯料中利用透辉石为助熔剂,降低烧成温度,节能与提高窑具的使用寿命。Using diopside as flux in the body of domestic fine ceramics, it's sinter temperature can be reduced and the energy can be saved, the using life of kiln furniture can be prolonged.

测试结果表明,矽卡岩中石榴子石以钙铁榴石-钙铝榴石为主,辉石以透辉石为主,甲玛矿床矽卡岩属于交代矽卡岩中典型的钙矽卡岩。The results show that garnets in the ore deposit are mainly andradite-grossularite and augites are mainly diopside. The skarns in the Jiama ore deposit belong to typical calcic skarns.

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根据显微镜下、红外光谱和X射线衍射的研究,表明块状水钙铝榴石玉的主要矿物成分是水钙铝榴石,并有含量不等的透辉石和方解石等。The study on massive hydrogrossular by means of polar microscope, infrared spectra and Xray shows that it consists mainly of hydrogrossular, with a little amount of diopside and calcite.

用透辉石代替滑石时,透辉石瓷有较低的烧成温度和较宽的烧结范围,其性能符合高频电介质标准的要求。As substitution of diopside for talc, the body has lower firing temperature and widening sintering range. The property of diopside porcelain is in keeping with standard of high frequence dielectric.