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那个妙香飘浮在森林的空中。That elixir wafted to the sky in the forest.

陪同嫦娥,并捣制长生不老药。Accompanied Chang, and ramming system elixir.

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我在这里,等待最后的花好月圆。I am here, waiting for the final of the Elixir of Love.

在物质上,我们可以应付长生不老药的到来。Materially, we could cope with the arrival of the elixir.

所有这些不过是装灵丹妙药的玻璃瓶。All these are merely the bottles carrying his mysterious elixir.

降低猫鼬药剂与极效敏捷药剂的效果。Reduced the effect of Elixir of Mongoose and Elixir of Major Agility.

然而,大家的注意力都从此次危机转移到流动性政策这颗万灵丹上。Yet, attention has shifted from the crisis to the elixir of liquidity.

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古往今来,人们一直在苦苦寻觅长生不老、青春永驻的方法。For ages, people have been searching for the elixir of youth and energy.

音乐,对于他来说,是使他的生命成为一个没有结局的冒险之旅的万能药。Music, for Casals, was an elixir that made life a never ending adventure.

对卡萨尔斯来讲,音乐就是他的不老灵药,让他能感受到生命绵延不决般的奇异。Music, for Casals, was an elixir that made life a never ending adventure.

不巧地是,后羿突然返回家中,意外撞见妻子手拿仙丹的情景。Unfortunately, he came back unexpectedly and surprised her holding the elixir.

巫师大斗法是一款充满诙谐和极大乐趣的卡牌游戏,特别适合一家人弈玩。Elixir is a humorous and fantastically fun card game great for the whole family.

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1938年的食品、药品与化妆品法是在发生万能药磺胺制剂之后出台。The Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act of 1938 followed the Elixir Sulfonamide tragedy.

你可以买卖你的车作模型,各式那么昂贵的万灵药。You could trade in your car for a model that guzzles less of the expensive elixir.

它对消除乾燥死皮有特效,无论是粗糙脚、手皮肤,都轻松见效。An effective elixir to remove dry dead skin layers from the roughest feet or hands.

当他外出狩猎的时候,他把仙丹放在一个盒子里并且叮嘱嫦娥不要打开它。He kept the elixir in a box while he went hunting and told his wife not to open it.

我相信总有一天我会实现我的理想,成为一名优秀的,能治百病的医生。I believe that one day I will realize my dream to become a great elixir of doctors.

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她伸出手轻轻笑着抚摩着伊丽诺的头发,仿佛那是生命中的灵丹妙药一样。She reaches out, touches Eleanor's hair like it is some elixir of life, and smiles.

胎盘提取物被我们东方人看作一种仙丹已经盛行了几个世纪了。Placenta extracts are very popular among us Orientals for centuries as an Elixir of life.

让我们为长生不老药还没有被发现而感到高兴吧,同时也庆幸我们生命的有限。Let us be grateful that the elixir continues to elude us — and toast instead our finitude.