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起义是狂热的表现。An insurrection is an enthusiasm.

我应当这样做,因为起义应当有它的纪律。I had to do it, because insurrection must have its discipline.

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有一起被称为投石党运动的起义There was a huge old insurrection called the Fronde, f-r-o-n-d-e.

就在科雷利亚叛乱前不久,她发动这样一场进攻。She attempted such a strike just prior to the Corellian insurrection.

列宁整整一夜在斯莫尔尼宫指挥起义。All through the night Lenin was in the Smolny directing the insurrection.

1911年后的中国确实陷入了军阀混战的乱局。China did indeed slide into disarray, warlordism and insurrection after 1911.

如果叛乱要发生了,罗马人不会坐视不理。If they started looking like insurrection would happen, the Romans didn't do it.

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这巴拉巴是因在城里作乱杀人下在监里的。Barabbas had been thrown into prison for an insurrection in the city, and for murder.

他曾运用他的影响,使那些参加起义的绅士所受到的处分,得以减轻。He had employed his influence in softening the consequences of that insurrection to the gentlemen.

拥立国王的人,不会甘愿俯首称臣,因此“谋反”只是时间问题。Kingmakers do not take kindly to becoming mere courtiers, so insurrection is only a matter of time.

那次的起义把巴黎的中心地带变成了一种曲折错乱、叫人摸不清道路的巨大寨子。The insurrection had made of the centre of Paris a sort of inextricable, tortuous, colossal citadel.

在科雷利亚星系的一次叛乱中,现已成为绝地大师的卢克·天行者回到巴库拉。During an insurrection in the Corellian system, Luke Skywalker, now a Jedi Master, returned to Bakura.

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他们会抛弃起义者,不管他们,这时暴动者便无人理睬了。Then it abandons the insurrection to itself. The insurgents become noxious , infected with the plague.

这些人可能参与了反抗罗马政府的叛乱,或者他们有参与叛乱的嫌疑。These very likely had engaged in an insurrection against the Roman rule, or they were suspected of rebellion.

或许,他没有意识到的一个可能性是——社会制度可能通过改革来避免政治暴动。Or—a possibility that he could not fully anticipate—the system might fend off political insurrection by reform.

这种指责有些价值,因为在1911年后中国的确不知不觉间陷入了混乱无序、军阀统治和叛乱暴动的深渊。Such accusations have some merit. China did indeed slide into disarray, warlordism and insurrection after 1911.

善英去电视台录节目,从尚宇那里晓得仁顺杀过人的话后遭到打击。Good English to television ShangYu recorded programs from there RenShun insurrection words that after being hit.

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暴动的无形警察在四处巡逻,这时的秩序便是黑夜。The invisible police of the insurrection were on the watch everywhere, and maintained order, that is to say, night.

我们忠诚的克隆人士兵们阻止了绝地圣殿中的暴动,并在数以千计的星球上镇压着他们篡权的行为。Our loyal clone troopers contained the insurrection within the Jedi Temple and quelled uprisings on a thousand worlds.

不管机器人有多智能,还好我们拔掉它的插头就可以制止它攻击人类。No matter how intelligent a robot might be, it’s nice knowing you can pull its plug to halt the anti-human insurrection.