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你要吃客饭或者要点菜?Would you like the dinner or a la carte?

如果我有自由处理权,我不会滥用。I'll not abuse it if I am given carte blanche.

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请坐!请问你们要点菜,还是要客饭?Sit down, please . Will you dine a carte or the take tabled'hote ?

我很欣赏播放"点菜"在青山圆形剧场。I'm entertained by the play "à la carte 2" at Aoyama Round Theatre.

我们有自助式和点菜式,您喜欢哪一种?We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes, which would you prefer?

照单点菜的美食可在餐厅或者走廊上享用。Gourmet a la carte dining is available in the main dining room or on the verandas.

挪威国家当代舞蹈团由挪威政府,霍达兰郡和卑尔根市资助。Carte Blanche is funded by the Norwegian state , the County of Hordaland and the City of Bergen.

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她说,‘很多情况下,政府都不顾请求,肆无忌惮地关闭NGO。’‘In many circumstances, the government has carte blanche to shut organizations down without appeal.’

他对压力屈服并于1074年辞官,政治权利更小,没有了尚方宝剑。He bowed to pressures to resign in 1074 with less political power and without imperial carte blanche.

一旦坐下了,老饕们就可开始享用吃到饱单点式的随不同季节更换的美味比萨。Once inside, patrons can enjoy an a la carte pizza buffet from a large menu that changes every season.

酒店拥有一个单点餐厅,夏季也开放阳台,会议室则可容纳30人。There is an à la carte restaurant, a terrace opened in summertime, and a conference room for 30 people.

在经济低迷时期,公司似乎有特权限制薪资,开出低的雇佣工资。In down economic times, companies seem to have carte blanche to limit salaries and make low-ball offers.

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维度分析有着和照菜单点菜一样的吸引力——你得到你想要的,不多也不少。The dimensional approach has the appeal of ordering à la carte — you get what you want, no more and no less.

他们指责她简单的人员配置,令人发疯的按项目收费模式以及对乘客的不友好态度。They decry Ryanair's terse staff, maddening á la carte charges, and seemingly adversarial attitude to passengers.

综合教学法也适用于其它剑术套路的教学。Some suggestions are offered to apply this method to the teaching of other carte and tierce repertoire extensively.

黄牌或卡黄,是一个国际预防接种证书发出由世界卫生组织。The Yellow Card or Carte Jaune, is an international certificate of vaccination issued by the World Health Organisation.

2006年,他创办了巨鲸音乐网,提供音乐点播下载和月度订阅服务。In 2006 he launched, a website which offered a choice of à la carte music downloads and monthly subscriptions.

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如果你以自行点菜的方式用晚餐,就可以选择价目表上任何你喜欢的菜品,而且只付所选菜品的钱。If you order an à la carte dinner, you select whatever you wish from the bill of fare, paying only for the dishes ordered.

会员可以在用几乎所有的俱乐部活动以点菜单的方式、以更低的费用换成私人会所以外的的活动。Members can substitute for virtually all club activities less expensively on an a la carte basis outside the private club.

至于非小说类书籍和短篇小说集,将出现“点菜”式的定价,就像如今市场上数字音乐的定价方式。For nonfiction and short-story collections, a la carte pricing will emerge, as it has in the marketplace for digital music.