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他们的古老灌木丛林地正受到牧场主和干旱的威胁。Their ancient scrubland is being threatened by ranchersand drought.

明亮的红宝石色,有丰富的黑莓、黑樱桃和牡丹等香气。Ruby great intensity. Generous smell of prune, blackberry, black cherry, peony, and scrubland.

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带有红果,香料和甘草的浓郁芳香,混杂着灌木丛林地的山草味道。A very aromatic nose with notes of red fruits spices and liquorice, with underlying notes of scrubland.

现在这里只剩了丛生的杂草,其间散落着一些广告牌随风摆动,透出几分萧瑟之意。Now, there's just scrubland dotted with advertising banners fluttering a little bit feebly in the wind.

颠簸的乡间小道在灌木丛中蜿蜒前行,直到远处浮现出起伏的轮廓才知到了尽头。The bumpy country road wound deeper into the scrubland until at last an undulating shape appeared in the distance.

这景观好像已贫瘠的灌木转向到巨大的杂乱的岩石,看上去好像上帝遗忘了清理他们。The austere landscape had shifted from barren scrubland to enormous jumbles of rocks that looked as if God had forgotten to straighten them up.

托布鲁克约一个半小时的车程从利比亚与埃及,通过平面,人口稀少灌木地中海沿岸车道边界的一半。Tobruk is about an hour and a half by car from Libya's border with Egypt, a drive through flat, sparsely populated scrubland along the Mediterranean coast.

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但由于在沙棘灌丛资源保护和发展中还存在不少问题,使黄土高原区域整体效益并不理想。However, the efficiency of the whole Loess Plateau region is low because there are some problems in the conservation and development of the scrubland resources.

葡萄园地处离海边2公里的海拔150米至200米高原上,翠绿的地中海灌木林地环抱其中。The vineyards are situated just over 2km from the sea on a small plateau at 150-200m above sealevel, and completely surrounded by verdant Mediterranean scrubland.

它是典型的洼地花种,一般生长在干燥地、洼地、灌木丛、日照森林和荒地这样的植物群落中。It is a typical meadow flower, growing in a variety of plant communities such as dry fields, meadows, but also in scrubland , open-canopy forests and waste places.

小城有7万人口,夏天酷热难耐,冬天严寒冰冻,全年尘土飞扬,延绵百里的灌木丛林将其与外界隔绝。The town of 70,000—unbearably hot in summer, freezing cold in winter and dusty all year around—is isolated from the outside world by hundreds of miles of scrubland.

这架波音737-500型飞机从莫斯科起飞,在经过两小时飞行后,准备在彼尔姆降落时突然起火,随后栽进了城市旁边的灌木丛林中。城市中的房屋并没有受损。The Boeing 737-500 was descending to land at Perm after a two-hour flight from Moscow when it burst into flames and plunged into scrubland on the edge of the city, narrowly missing houses.

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为了在降水稀少的高地沙漠存活下来,周围自然形态的灌木丛则消耗很少的水分,可以看到这些分布在图片左上部的灌木丛是黄褐色和灰蓝色的。Surviving on the scant rain that falls on the high desert, the surrounding natural scrubland uses far less water. The scrubland, shown in the upper left corner of the image, is tan and pale blue.

吉布提的多哈雷港口——今年二月的时候,赶驼人第一次发现中国军队在一片沿海灌木丛中打桩,那里离非洲最大的美军基地大约8英里远。DORALEH Djibouti—It was February this year when camel drivers first spotted the Chinese troops staking out a patch of coastal scrubland about 8 miles from the largest U. S. military base in Africa.