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这款洗面凝胶很好。This is a very good cleanser.

黄瓜是天然的洁面剂。Cucumber is a natural cleanser.

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千万不要和漂白水一起用。Do not use with bleach cleanser.

他想要买个洗面奶。He wants to buy a facial cleanser.

我该使用什么类型的洁面乳呢?What type of cleanser should I use?

没错,这是血液清洁剂。That's right, it's a blood cleanser.

作为常利用的洁面膏可以灭致痘菌。Use as a daily cleanser to kill bacteria.

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他给她买了保湿霜和洁肤乳。He has bought her moisturiser and cleanser.

自然浆果的甘旨口感,让宝宝爱上刷牙。Tooth & Gum Cleanser has a taste toddlers love.

它净化同时又滋养着皮肤。This cleanser purifies while nourishing the skin.

干燥后的油漆残余物可用去漆水去除。Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser.

什么是身体粉刺和油腻的皮肤的最佳的粉刺清洁剂?What is the best acne cleanser for body acne and oily skin?

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第二天早上,用水或洁面乳洗净即可。Cleanse skin with clear water or cleanser in the next morning.

将黄瓜汁与牛奶调和成洁面乳。Mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of a cleanser.

在晚上用一些冷霜卸妆,很容易就将它卸掉了。In the evening with some cold cream cleanser , It came off easy.

天然温和,能轻柔洁净、保湿婴儿的头发及肌肤。A gentle cleanser to refresh and moisturise Baby's hair and skin.

我实在喜欢这个洁面产品,让皮肤感觉得很好而且干净。I really like this cleanser . It made my skin feel nice and clean.

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我喜爱这个洁面乳,去除妆面也不让皮肤干燥。I love this cleanser it take makeup off without drying my skin out.

去角质,或者用泡沫丰富的洗面奶再做一次深沉洁面。Exfoliate or follow with a good foaming cleanser for a deeper clean.

玉兰油焦点系列洁颜慕斯是在你的脸上使用打火机油吗?Is Olay Definity Mousse Cleanser Putting Lighter Fluid on Your Face?