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绿色无污染,营养价值极高。Green non-polluting, high nutritional value.

河北红小豆具有较高的营养价值。Hebei Red Bean has a higher nutritional value.

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肌酸被当作营养支持物销售。Creatine is marketed as a nutritional supplement.

野生的刺儿菜营养价值很高。The wild thistle has a very high nutritional value.

咀嚼片是一个帮助你复原的巨大营养包。Chewable tablets that pack a huge nutritional punch.

苦菜的营养价值比较高。Sowthistle the nutritional value of relatively high.

为什么营养补充素要比药物好呢?。Why are nutritional supplements preferable to drugs?

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人乳是婴儿理想的食物选择。Human milk is an ideal nutritional source for infants.

其实,土豆皮就像一所发电站,供给各种营养。It's because the skin is a real nutritional powerhouse.

土豆皮真可谓是发电厂。It’s because the skin is a real nutritional powerhouse.

人没有对牛奶的营养需求。There is no human nutritional requirement for cow-milk.

我们真不该吃这垃圾。根本没营养价值。We shouldn't eat this junk. It has no nutritional value.

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首先要制定“营养改善法”。Firstly, the "Nutritional Improvement Rule" must be made.

青贮玉米作为饲料,具有较高的营养价值。The ensiling corn has high nutritional value as ensilage.

苦荞凉粉具有较高的营养和药用价值。Buckwheat Bean has a high nutritional and medicinal value.

你又在捣鼓那些营养栓剂啊?。Are you experimenting with nutritional suppositories again?

用“营养基因组学”可概括未来的营养科学研究。Nutrigenomics can sum up the future of nutritional science.

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鹰嘴豆是一种营养价值丰富的豆类作物。Chickpea is a kind of bean crops with rich nutritional value.

鹅肉的肉丝鲜嫩、营养价值高,容易被吸收。The goose fresh pork, high nutritional value, easy to absorb.

对翅碱蓬籽的营养成分进行了分析研究。The nutritional components of Suaeda salsa seeds were studied.