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但是你老是会忘掉。But you continually forget that line.

爱,使你惊奇不已。Love keeps you continually wondering.

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这个男孩子老是问东问西的。The boy was continually asking questions.

这个男孩子老是问东问西的。Thee boy was continually asking questions.

关键人群继续被边缘化。Key populations are continually marginalized.

孩子们不停地扰乱课堂。The children continually disturbed the class.

他老是不断地抱怨有吵闹声。He is continually complaining about the noise.

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这儿有三位姓铃木的。There would continually be three Suzukis here.

所有的宫墙都变幻莫测。Where all of the walls all continually change.

他老是遭到记者的纠缠。He is continually being pestered by journalists.

体验是最好的西宾。Experience is the continually best tediscomfortr.

弥尔顿继续料想。Milton was continually in a state of anticipation.

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沙坝的鸟儿依然在嚎啼。The birds on the sand bank are continually crying.

生活本身就是一场冒险,不停地在向我们召唤着。Life remains an adventure that continually beckons.

我的小弟弟老是问东问西的。My little brother was continually asking questions.

如有时机为您服务,我们将私服感谢。We continually be pleased to serve you at any time.

“不,不,亲爱的,我不累,”我不停地回答着。No, no, dear, I'm not tired,' I returned continually.

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把陀螺球绕垂直轴连续地转动。Rotate the gyro ball continually along vertical axis.

比那恒久地被海浪摸挲的贝壳还要细腻。Smoother than shells continually polished by the sea.

即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停。Even though is was still summer,it rained continually.