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为了知道sinφ,可以解出来。We now can solve for sine phi.

我认为实际上应该是正弦。I think it's actually the sine.

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这个会议将会无限期休会。The meeting will adjourn sine die.

正弦和余弦都是有限大小的数sine and cosine are definite numbers.

返回弧度角的正弦函数值。Returns the sine of an angle in radians.

这是我们正在采用的一种类似正弦曲线一样的工作方式。There's kind of a sine wave thing going on.

方波如正弦波一样是周期性的。Square waves, like sine waves, are periodic.

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数学解释说,正弦曲线是这样的。And the reason is that a sine curve is like so.

巴布·马利是雷鬼乐不可缺少的灵魂人物。Bob Marley was the sine qua non of reggae music.

假设我们同时绘制正弦和余弦曲线。Let us plot both the sine and the cosine curves.

传统的结晶器振动方式是按正弦方式运动的。The traditional mould oscillates with a sine wave.

接著,想像有数个正弦波的组合。Next, imagine the combination of several sine waves.

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它包括一个全波整流电路和正弦信号源。It includes a biphase rectifier and a sine wave power.

苏安已经相当一些朋友正弦她来到中国。Suan has made quite few friends sine she came to China.

苏安已经有不少朋友正弦她来到中国。Suan has made quite a few friends sine she came to China.

假设我们只想看到一个正弦曲线周期。Let us say we want to see just one cycle of the sine wave.

苏安已经相当小的朋友正弦她来到中国。Suan has made quite little friends sine she came to China.

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上面,我们在同一图中绘制了正弦和余弦曲线。Above, we plotted both the sine and cosine on the same graph.

假如朋友如阴影,只有在太阳的照耀下才会现形。A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sine shines.

在演讲术中,措辞清晰是必不可少的。In the art of puBlic speaking, clear diction is a sine qua non.