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已经包括在这笔钱里了。Is included in this sum.

五加三的总和是八。The sum of 5 and 3 is 8.

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它是一个正和游戏。It's a positive sum game.

你的分数总计为508分。Your marks sum up to 508.

非参数检验最好用秩和检验。Rank sum test is preferred.

这笔钱又从何而来呢?Sum of the money come from?

十美元是初二英语完形填空个小数目。Ten dollars is a small sum.

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加上第n-2个月的兔子对数。The sum of the previous two.

小计金额为342英镑。The sum subtotalled is £342.

我将帮助你解决那个总数。I'll help you solve that sum.

点心,香蕉,火龙果。Banana, dragon fruit, Dim Sum.

但事实上这是一道简单的算术题。But it is a simple sum really.

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此款应记入谁的账户的借方?To whom shall I debit this sum?

得到的总和不能超过这个限制。The sum cannot exceed the limit.

各种税加起来是一笔巨款。The taxes came up to a huge sum.

他从她手里骗取了一笔钱。He did her out of a sum of money.

他拿了一大笔封口费。He got a large sum of hush money.

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两个分压之和。Sum of the two partial pressures.

这笔数字也应该名手在内。This sum should also be added in.

横坐标X轴是“内容点”的集合。X is the sum of "content points".