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你比桤木还要高挑和端庄。More tall and stately that the alder.

我们沿着两旁有榆树的大街步行。We walked down a stately avenue of elms.

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他庄严而文雅地谢绝了邀请。He declined the invitation with stately grace.

最后,穿靴子的猫来到一座庄严地城堡。At last Puss in Boots arrived at a stately castle.

美丽庄严强大,这里有活跃的人生。——王统照。Beautiful stately strong, there is an active life.

我们有豪宅,大的宅院式别墅,Then we have stately homes which is the big mansion houses

一座庄严的大桥由一只船运载着穿过狂暴的海洋?A stately bridge carried over the turbulent water by a boat?

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这句话的意思是要给罗伯特•奥德利先生一个堂而皇之的谴责。This was intended as a stately reproof to Mr. Robert Audley.

于是他飞到水里游向这些美丽的天鹅。So he flew into the water and swam towards the stately swans.

而其他高大的树却能屹立不摇,不受暴风的影响。Other stately trees had remained standing, unaffected by the storm.

便开始堂而皇之的大谈成功之道,人生之道等等。The stately began to talk about success of the road, the road of life.

轮回的磨难与最终的圆满是最华美的仪态万方。Samsara's suffering and ultimate consummation is the most beautiful stately.

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再说一次,如果你上网搜索英式花园或者乡间别墅,Again, if you have a look on the websites for English gardens and stately homes,

苏珊庄严地、十分讲究礼节地在一张椅子中的一个极小的角落里坐下。Susan took the extreme corner of a chair, with a stately and ceremonious aspect.

庄严的玫瑰堂大屋靠近蒙特哥湾附近草木茂盛的种植园。The stately Rose Hall Great House rests on a grassy plantation near Montego Bay.

据高速公路8公里外的地方,能隐约看见某个小镇的白色塔尖。At the stately white spires of a small village, tucked five miles off the highway.

德彪西的音乐表现在福莱和拉威尔庄严的孔雀舞曲当中也可见一斑。Debussy 's musical presence can be felt in the Stately pavanes of Fauré and Ravel.

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他的金发和庄重的举止结合在一起,使他得到了全世界的钦佩。His golden hair and stately manner combined to make him the admiration of the world.

在庄严的罗马圆形大剧场被环绕着的通过一个旋转的灯光在这长曝光在夜里。The stately Colosseum is surrounded by a whirl of lights in this long exposure at night.

到处是一块一块的绿草地,庄严的树木结着丰饶甜美的果实。There were lovely patches of greensward all about, with stately trees bearing rich fruits.