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所以,海莉六岁的时候在班里就与其他同学不同。So at six years old, Hayley towered over her classmates.

海莉•韦斯顿是新西兰音乐界的又一大轰动人物。Hayley Westenra is another New Zealand singing sensation.

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赫莉再也无法忍受他的绝情和冷漠,终于,一个无知的谎言在她的脑海中诞生了。Hayley could not bear his indifference and made up a lie.

太阳神阿波罗的儿子法厄同,女儿赫莉就居住在这个美丽的宫殿里。The son of Apollo Phaethon and daughter Hayley lived here.

今天,来自波特兰俄勒冈州的观众海莉·麦克雷向科学家提出疑问Today, Hayley McCrea of Portland, Oregon asks the scientists

“他们告诉自己的孩子没事儿不要和我呆在一起,”海莉说。“They told their children not to hang around with me, ” Hayley says.

上周六是伦敦时装周,海莉莫利,第二天起了个大早,前往工作地点。On Saturday, the second day of London Fashion Week, Hayley Morley, got up early and went to work.

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而赫莉绝望的痛哭了四个月,最后变成了一棵白杨树,她的眼泪变成了晶莹的琥珀。For his death, Hayley cried for four months and became a poplar tree. Her tears became the sap of the tree.

当海莉·奥金斯经过一天紧张的学习筋疲力尽回到家中时,她有足够的理由发泄自己的牢骚不满。When Hayley Okines arrives home after a tiring day at school she would have more reason to grumble than most.

每当赫莉有所表示,法厄同总是以他们是同一个父亲为由将赫莉挡在门外。Whenever Hayley expressed her affection to him, he always refused her with the excuse of having the same father.

尽管我是几分鈡前才刚刚加入海莉中国歌迷会的,我实际上,我已经聼海莉的歌有差不多三年了。Although I've just joined the HWCFC a few moments ago, I've actually been listening to Hayley for about three years.

获得她的夫妇的资产份额“已费时,昂贵和令人沮丧,”与Hayley基塞尔说,在几个星期前议案提交。Obtaining her share of the couple's assets "has been time-consuming, expensive, and frustrating, " Hayley Kissel said in a motion filed a few weeks ago.

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当安德鲁的妻子与Hayley沃尔夫基塞尔提出离婚2005年2月,她发现其中一对夫妇的资产争夺债权人品种自己。When Andrew's wife Hayley Wolff Kissel filed for divorce in February 2005, she found herself among an assortment of creditors vying for the couple's assets.

妹妹赫莉温柔善良,却没能得到父亲的恩赐,拥有一张太阳神那样美丽的面孔,这使得她很无奈,因为她深深爱着的是法厄同。Phaethon was born to be handsome and sexy but a bit impetuous and arrogant, while Hayley was tender and nice but did not have a beautiful face, which made her sad because she deeply loved Phaethon.