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以下哪一项最好地描述了双头垄断?Which of the following best describes duopoly ?

你们有多少人学过古诺双寡头模型How many of you have seen Cournot Duopoly before?

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在一个双寡头市场中,一个企业从事成本降低型R&D。In a duopoly market, one firm conducts cost-reducing R&D.

这会增加选民选择的机会,并打破两党垄断的地位。This would boost voter choice and break the two-party duopoly.

我准备用余下的时间,来讲讲古诺的双寡头模型So we're going to spend most of the rest of today talking about Cournot Duopoly.

移动电话用户希望拨“C”自己选择,而非拨“D”,让无线通讯市场两家独大。Mobile-phone users will be hoping that they dial C for choice rather than D for duopoly.

获取古诺均衡利润是两企业长期博弈的理想结果。Obtaining the Cournot equilibrium profit is the ideal result to the duopoly enterprises.

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真正的双寡头垄断是一种特定的、只有两个生产商存在于市场中的市场垄断行为。A true duopoly is a specific type of oligopoly where only two producers exist in one market.

对国家成品油市场进行分析,认为目前国内成品油市场是典型的双寡头垄断有限竞争市场。This paper analyzes the refined oil market, which is considered as a duopoly market structure.

基于产品差异化建立了一个具有R&D过程的双寡头博弈模型。This paper constructs a game model of the duopoly with process R&D and product differentiation.

双寡头在生产市场上竞争,而在研发活动上可选择合作或不合作。A duopoly sustains competition in the production market yet may select to cooperate or not in R&D.

最后,将双寡头的均衡产量求解方法推广到多个企业情形。At last, improves the method of finding equilibrium output in duopoly to multi-enterprises market.

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本文旨在提出一则在模糊环境下,双占市场最适产量之决策方法。In this paper, a new optimum fuzzy output quantity decision analysis of duopoly market is developed.

在寡头垄断市场中,排污权交易的治理效率会由于垄断效应而降低。Under the conditions of duopoly , the efficiency of pollution control will he researched because of monopoly.

通过运用期权博弈方法分析了双寡头企业产品创新战略的执行问题。This paper analyzes the exercise of duopoly option product innovation strategy with the theory of option-game.

中国成品油市场是一个特殊的双寡头垄断有限竞争市场。This paper analyzed the refined oil market, thought that the refined oil market was a duopoly market structure.

当前形势对期望能打破波音和空客双巨头垄断的三大新兴对手而言无疑机会难得。It is an auspicious time for three emerging rivals to the Boeing-Airbus duopoly to seek to establish themselves.

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并且外界也得知无线业务运营商对目前安卓和苹果双寡头垄断的局面非常不满。And wireless operators have let it be known that they are already unhappy with the current duopoly of Android and Apple.

本文重点讨论了未来SP如何赁借自身的实力在双寡头电信市场中得以生存,发展的问题。This paper centers on the subsistence and development of SF that depends on its own strength in the duopoly market of telecom.

本文重点讨论了未来SP如何赁借自身的实力在双寡头电信市场中得以生存,发展的问题。This paper centers on the subsistence and development of SP that depends on its own strength in the duopoly market of telecom.