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跳进和级进Disjunct versus conjunct?

这是一段很跳进的旋律It's a very disjunct melody.

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旋律可以级进或者跳进So, melodies can be conjunct or disjunct.

小析取规则就是那些分类过程中仅能覆盖很少训练样例的规则。A small disjunct is a rule covering a small number of examples.

目的探讨提高特殊复杂性断指再植的成活及功能的恢复。Of complex disjunct fingers and how to improve post-operative function of fingers.

我们之前听过的一段曲调,是一个跳进旋律的典型例子,我们大家一起唱好吗A good example--we used it a moment ago-- of a disjunct melody is-- Can we all sing that?

森林物种也有多样性的特点,公园有很多不同属的珍惜植物和30多种国家级保护植物。Forests have great diversity, the area containing rare relict and disjunct genera and over 30 plant species under State protection.

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一个分类规则集表示为一组规则的析取,其中的每一条规则就是一个析取项。In essence, a set of classification rules can be regarded as logical disjunction of rules, so that each rule can be regarded as a disjunct.

将近有60个科120个属的植物间断分布于东亚和北美,它们是曾经广布的植物的孑遗。Nearly 120 genera in 60 families of plants have disjunct populations in eastern Asia and temperate North America, relicts of the once widespread flora.

我们发现存在着不同,当级进混合着跳进时,也许正是这样的处理突出渲染了,贝多芬第五交响曲中的不安氛围We have the difference between conjunct music with the and disjunct music and that perhaps adds to the unsettled quality of the beethoven Fifth Symphony.

通过将集列分成有限个互不相交的子集列,给出了求集列的上限集和下限集的新方法。Through set sequence is resolved into finite mutually disjunct subsets, the new method to solve the limit superior and limit inferior of set sequence is give.

在此基础上,开展了东亚北美间断分布类群,如金缕梅属、枫香属、楤木属等的分子系统学研究的国际合作研究项目,并取得了重要成果。Based on the work, we started the international cooperation on molecular phylogenies of the East Asian and North Eastern America disjunct groups such as Hamamelis, Liquidambar , Aralia and so on.

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查看如此复杂的环境的方法有很多种,,其中一些视图表明重叠的内容,而另一些视图可能是分离的,还有一些视图可能与其他视图是正交的。There may be mulltiple ways to view such complex environments, with some of these views indicating overlapping contents, while others might be disjunct and perhaps also orthogonal to other views.