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在加上90个万帕诺亚格的印第安人。Plus 90 Wampanoag Indians.

他们尽其所能去寻找,包括万帕诺亚格人的储备品。They took anything they could find, including Wampanoag supplies.

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来自万帕诺亚格的客人带来了5只鹿,所以菜单上肯定有鹿肉。The Wampanoag guests brought five deer with them, so venison was on the menu.

21世纪初的人口估计显示大概有4500名万帕诺亚格人。Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 4, 500 Wampanoag descendants.

万帕诺亚格人经常生吃莓子,或者混在煮或烤的玉米蛋糕中。The Wampanoag often ate the berries raw, or else in boiled or ash roasted corn cakes.

想知道答案,请探索重建的万帕诺亚格族住家遗址,离普利茅斯一小段步行路。To find out, explore a re-created Wampanoag home site, just a short walk from Plimoth.

到了1621年的春天,一个名叫斯昆图的印第安英雄率其瓦帕浓部落开始主动帮助他们。In the spring of 1621, an Indian brave named Squanto and her Wampanoag tribe came to their help.

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万帕诺亚格人警蜴地注视着他们,认为他们是一群想偷走他们食物的团伙。The Wampanoag kept a close watch on them and thought they were a disrespectful bunch for stealing all their goods.

殖民地居民和万帕诺亚格印第安人的食物结构比较类似,但饮食习惯却不相同。The foods that the colonists and Wampanoag Indians ate were very similar, but their eating patterns were different.

但是,要确定17世纪时殖民地居民和印第安万帕诺亚格人过节时吃什么,还需要一些深入的挖掘。But determining what else the colonists and Wampanoag might have eaten at the 17th-century feast takes some digging.

早期移民美洲的清教徒和万帕诺亚格人之间相对的和平也早在十七世纪六十年代开始恶化了,最终导致了1675年的战争。The relative peace between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag began to deteriorate as early as the 1660s, resulting in war by 1675.

他们邀请当地万帕诺亚格部落的印第安族恩人前来就餐,食物十分丰盛,有野火鸡、鸭、鹅、鱼虾贝、玉米、蔬菜和干果。They invited their Wampanoag benefactors to feast on wild turkeys, duck, geese, fish and shellfish, corn, green vegetables and dried fruits.

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殖民者逐渐击败了菲利普国王及其他主要酋长,万帕诺亚格人及纳拉甘西特几乎被灭绝。The colonists eventually defeated and killed King Philip and other leading chiefs, and the Wampanoag and Narragansett were almost exterminated.

当地万帕诺格部落印第安人的首领马萨索伊特决定把当地的农业技术与这些新移民共享,使这群人能生存下来。Massasoit, the leader of the local Wampanoag Indians, decided to share local agricultural techniques with the "Pilgrims", thus enabling the community to survive.

1621年,普利茅斯殖民地的居民和当地印第安人一起庆祝丰收节,后来这一天被公认为感恩节的开始。In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies.

1621年,普利茅斯殖民地的居民和当地印第安人一起庆祝丰收节,后来这一天被公认为感恩节的开始。In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies.

为了庆祝这第一次来之不易的大丰收,他们想要好好感谢一下上帝和当地的印第安人,便邀请Squanto及其瓦帕浓部落参加他们的庆祝盛宴。To celebrate their first harvest, the Pilgrims wanted to thank God and the Native Indian. They invited Squanto and the entire Wampanoag tribe to celebrate together in a shared feast.

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加拿大感恩节的来历还存在争议,不过美国感恩节起源于1621年美国普利茅斯殖民者与当地万帕诺亚格印第安人共同享受了为期三天的收获节大餐。Canada's Thanksgiving origins are contested, but the US traces the holiday back to 1621, when America's Plymouth colonies shared a three-day autumn harvest feast with the Wampanoag Indians.

17世纪,清教徒和万帕诺亚格印第安人还没有掌握冷藏方法,他们总是用风干的方法来保存食物,有印第安玉米、火腿、鱼肉还有香草。Since the pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians had no refrigeration in the seventeenth century, they tended to dry a lot of their foods to preserve them. They dried Indian corn, hams, fish, and herbs.

万帕诺亚格和其他部落对欧洲持续的领土扩张进行了抵抗,在1675年,殖民者们对之前保持中立的纳拉甘塞特人发起了进攻。The Wampanoag and other tribes made a stand against the Europeans' continuing territorial expansion, and in December 1675 the settlers launched an attack on the previously neutral Narragansetts.