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因为你觉得这事很刺激。Because you think it's thrilling.

那应该是很令人兴奋的经历。It is supposedly a thrilling experience.

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失眠症患者的颤抖发烧。And the thrilling fever of the insomniac.

笼子里的老虎发出了令人毛骨悚然的吼声。The tiger in the cage gave a thrilling cry.

还有什么更能让人兴奋的文学信息?What literary news could be more thrilling?

你穿上大衣,寒风刺骨。Put on your overcoat. The wind is thrilling.

我的窗户框住了一幅绝美的雪景。My window frames a thrilling snowy landscape.

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戈什先生用魔力引起了一种令人震颤的地方感。Mr Ghosh conjures up a thrilling sense of place.

半小时的片花相当有趣,让人兴奋不已。The half-hour of footage is funny and thrilling.

孩子们听他讲惊险故事听得入了迷。The children were captivated by his thrilling story.

他的杜松子酒也是一个大胆的产物,奇怪且令人惊颤。His gin is also an audacious animal, odd and thrilling.

我从来没有听见过这样叫人发抖的不协和音。It was one of the most thrilling discords I ever heard.

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她绘声绘色地描述了她在热带丛林中的生活。She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.

这是写到美国就让人发抖的原因之一。That’s one reason America is so thrilling to write about.

他还没有转过身来,便被第一个崭新的印象弄得心里卜卜跳。Before he turned he was thrilling to the first new impression.

在许多方面,我们正在走向一个令人激动的新媒体世界。In many ways, we are headed for a thrilling new world of media.

新型火箭可以搭载宇航员到达某些令人兴奋的地方。The new rockets could take astronauts to some thrilling places.

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早期的讨论是生机勃勃的、令人入神、使人兴奋的。The early discussions were invigorating, fascinating, thrilling.

可惜的是,这最令人震惊的解释也有缺陷。The most thrilling explanation is,unfortunately,a little defective.

戏剧演员认为剧场是最令人兴奋的。The thespian players think that the theater is thoroughly thrilling.