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她们有丰富的心理世界。They have an abundance mentality.

科洛夫的问题在于他的心态。Korolev's problem was his mentality.

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正桥感觉到好好的心态有所成长。Feel good mentality grow right bridge.

为什么会有害怕的心理?Why can you have maleficence mentality?

开阔了橡胶模具设计思路。Widened the rubber mold design mentality.

这样的心态源于缺乏远见的恐惧。That mentality is born of shortsighted fear.

随之而来的就是释放了受害人思维。With that came loosing the victim mentality.

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人们通常怀有“要么全部要么没有”的心态。People often have an all or nothing mentality.

这与人的行为心理有关。This is relevants to human behavior mentality.

为什么人都有害怕的心理?Why does the person have maleficence mentality?

从众效应解释了时尚会流行原因。Herd mentality explains why fads get so popular.

按理,这攀比的心态应该平复了吧。Normally, this treatment mentality should be calm.

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阿森纳空有大俱乐部的躯壳,里面都是一坨小鸡肚肠么?Arsenal are a big club with a small club mentality.

成功始于觉醒,心态决定命运。Success began awakening, decide the fate mentality.

快乐无处不在,只要你把好心态。Happy everywhere, as long as you put good mentality.

狮子座能尊重处女座的机智及警惕。Leo will respect Virgo's clever and alert mentality.

把“完成任务”这一心态灵活化。Put the “Getting Things Done” mentality into motion.

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而价格也随这种预期心理水涨船高。The prices are now rising because of this mentality.

当然要考虑到一个族群,一个部落的心态。Certainly caring for one's group, a tribal mentality.

“最出色的谈判者从来不会抱着“本垒打”的心态。The best negotiators don't have a home-run mentality.