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可用于护栏管。Guardrail tube can be used.

增加了护栏的抗风荷载。The increase of wind load of guardrail.

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如果安全,那么站到道路护栏后。If it's safe to exit the car, go behind a guardrail.

汽车音响等电子电器及护栏管。Car stereos and other electronic appliances and guardrail tube.

为缅怀这三个人,人们修了一段护栏。A new guardrail was constructed in honor of the three lives lost.

防撞护栏是确保交通安全的重要设施。Safety guardrail is an important appurtenance to ensure traffic safety.

护栏管系列,点光源显示屏系列,模组系列等应用产品。Guardrail tube series, point light display series, module series applications.

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楼梯过陡、不防滑以及扶手护栏不符合安全要求等。Stairs steep, non skid and handrails guardrail do not meet safety requirements.

该油车司机为避开一辆小轿车,转而撞向了防护栏。The driver of the fuel tanker swerved to avoid a car and crashed into a guardrail.

我们主要销售LED彩虹管数码管护栏灯球泡灯杯圣诞灯。Our main sales LED rainbow tube LED guardrail light bulb lights Christmas Lights Cup.

高速公路护栏板厂家为您介绍护栏板的警示作用。Highway guardrail board manufacturers to introduce the warning role of the fence board.

广场里有一个小型的广场,站在护拦外可以近间隔的看到浅海区。The square has a small square, stand in the guardrail can be close to see neritic zone.

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汽车与高速公路防撞护栏端头相撞是极其危险的事故。An impact between vehicle and roadside guardrail terminals is an extremely dangerous event.

还应该对所有的两侧是向世界开放护栏及脚趾板。There should also be guardrail and toe boards about all the sides which are open to the world.

这辆过路车冲出护栏的时候,是以从右向左75的时速行进的。The pick-up was traveling about 75 mph from right to left when it crashed through the guardrail.

玻璃阳台护栏具备有清透的外观特点,颇富有现代生活气息。The glass balcony guardrail with the appearance of features are clear, rich flavor of modern life.

根据具体公路施工面积,选用新的护栏进行实际安装。According to the specific highway construction area, the use of new guardrail for actual installation.

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我们的客户得益于柯林斯&赫尔曼集团在道路和高速公路护栏建设大小项目的丰富经验。Our customers benefit from Collins and Hermann's large and small project experience with road and highway guardrail projects.

介绍了菜园坝大桥护栏的防腐涂装、配套涂装工艺及质量检测标准。Anti-corrosive protection, related finishing process and quality test criterion for Caiyuanba bridge guardrail are introduced.

斯玛奇追着一片被风吹起来的叶子,飘过栏杆落到河面上,河面低于人行道11英尺深。Smudge chased a leaf that blew through the guardrail and into the river, about 11 feet down from the walkway. Bob and I yelled, No!