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有什么业余活动吗?Are there any extracurricular activities?

很高兴听说你终止了那个课外练习。Glad to hear you've ceased your extracurricular activities.

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参于课外活动有什么好处?What's the benefit of doing the extracurricular activities?

然后他们也必须参加课外活动。and then they have to go to their extracurricular activities.

还有我们课外活动的选择,And also the amount of like the extracurricular options we have

我的课余活动包括参加数学兴趣小组和戏剧社。My extracurricular activities include the Math and Drama Clubs.

他们也非常积极地参与课外活动。they are also very active in a lot of extracurricular activities.

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在学校你参加课外活动吗?Are you involved in any extracurricular activities on your campus?

怎样开发初中数学活动课的数学资源?。How can one exploit teaching resources junior maths extracurricular activity?

社团活动乏人问津,只有舞会能吸引较多人参与。Of the extracurricular activities, only dances seem to attract a lot of people.

作为前副主任,我曾负责学生的课外活动工作。As former deputy dean, I used to be responsible for students' extracurricular work.

此外,孩子们的课外活动就够Cassandra忙的了。Besides, Cassandra is busy enough coordinating the kids' extracurricular activities.

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但是,我们不会将这个项目当作业余的或随意的活动来对待。We will not, however, treat this project as an extracurricular or optional activity.

同时在附录部分还提出了“关于课外读物建议”。Meanwhile, the advice on extracurricular reading materials is brought up in excursus.

一些有益的课外活动有利于必修课程的补充。Some extracurricular activities are beneficial supplement to be classroom instruction.

咱们可以去看看课外书,这些书会带咱们知识和快乐。We are interested in the extracurricular books. They bring us knowledge and happiness.

你参加了许多课外活动,参加私人课程。You did extracurricular activities, went to afterschool programs, took private lessons.

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耶鲁学生有热情参与课外活动的悠久传统。Yale students have a long tradition of intense involvement with extracurricular activity.

能够促使学生在充满个性、创造性的阅读中进行深层的精神体验。In addition, the extracurricular reading is able to moke the students to leam more creatively.

所以当我们回到家后,她就有了一个多小时的玩和阅读课外书的自由时间了。So when we go back home, she has more than an hour to play and read some extracurricular book.