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盘点下你的性伴侣。Tally up your sexual partners.

她和他的口径不一致。Her story doesn't tally with his.

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他算出的数字和我得出的对不上。His figures and mine don't tally.

今年这个数字飙升至212处。This year the tally had soared to 212.

我们对所有的利润都记流水账。We keep a running tally of all profit.

数量和重量根据理货数字。D. Quantity and weight as per tally figure.

我没有要打字的理货单证,谢谢你。I have no tally papers to be typed. Thank you.

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他的成绩雄踞积分榜第一名,冠军非他莫属。His marks top the tally. He must be the champion.

海地宣布复检大选票数以抑制社会骚乱。Haiti announces vote tally recheck to stem unrest.

专家意见同那些居民也吻合甚好。Foreigners' views tally well with those of residents.

支票薄存根与我的银行对账单不相符合。The checkbook stubs don't tally with my Bank statement.

根据营口理货数字,重量据称。E. According to yingkou tally figure, said to be weight.

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先生,理货间有点热,你能提供其他空的房间吗?Sir, the tally room is so hot, do you have any free bin?

报告中所提到的事实都丝毫不差。The facts mentioned in the report tally to every detail.

已经投入流通的新钞到底有多少还是未能提供。Even the tally on new notes circulated are not available.

显示审计历史及对裁定者有价值的工作量。Show audit history and workload tally count for adjudicators.

这支球队以不败的战绩雄居积分榜首。This team ranks first on the tally with an undefeated record.

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但是死于警察枪下的平民人数更是糟糕透了。But the tally of civilians killed by the police is even worse.

我们的祖先除了刻线符木外没有其它书籍。Our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally.

不过欧洲在太空垃圾排行榜上即将“执头把交椅”。But Europe could soon take the top spot on the space junk tally.